"You're welcome," I grinned and leaned over him to kiss him. I got up, feeling proud and giddy at the same time. He rested on his elbows and watched me. I disappeared into the bathroom and came back shortly after in search of my knickers to get into bed. Now, it was my turn to watch him. Kit did the same as me, then came back for his boxers. I laid in the bed, pulling the duvet over myself and he nuzzled his nose into my neck making me giggle as I gripped onto his shoulders.
"I love you," I said smiling at him.
He said it back before bringing his face to mine to kiss me, then I pulled him into bed with me so we could enjoy the true meaning of spooning.
Wakingup alone wasn't something I was used to since we'd been practically living together. The only reason I'd woken up was because of the nightmare I'd had and as I expected, Kit wasn't beside me. As of late, Kit never left the bed without me but today he wasn't even in the house. He'd left me a note to say he'd gone jogging and I wondered if he had something on his mind that he needed to clear. Especially after the conversation we'd had the night before. Instead of allowing myself to worry about it too long, I made breakfast and flipped open the Mac on the kitchen counter. First, I called Lilly through Skype and as I made cereal she spoke to me from her kitchen table where she already had her breakfast and was sorting her appointments out for the day. After explaining to her where Kit had gone I looked around the bare kitchen, noticing that yet again Kit's brothers weren't here either.
"Do you think something is going on?" Lilly said from the Mac and I stared at her.
"I'm trying not to," I answered honestly.
Thistrying not to worrything was proving almost impossible.
"Honestly, Eves, I wouldn't worry yourself. It's probably nothing."
I nodded, adjusting something on the counter. We'd already talked briefly on the phone about my short conversation with Jerry, but now that we were both alone I began explaining everything to Lilly whilst she placed her work to one side to listen. As usual, Lilly was alone too. She practically lived alone with her parents constantly gone for work.
"How has his advice gone so far?" she asked and I smirked.
"What?" she eyed me.
"It went well last night… I opened up to Kit, we allowed time to absorb everything then ended nicely with me being bent over his bed.”
"You dirty sod!" Lilly grinned before placing a mouthful of cereal into her mouth. "I can't even talk about sex right now, I am beyond my vibrator even being remotely useful. Need to upgrade, I reckon."
I full on snorted, thankful that I didn't have food in my mouth.
"Have you spoken with your grandparents recently?"
I shook my head. "I was gonna call them after you."
Nodding, Lilly took her last mouthful of food.
"I'm gonna get going to my first appointment, I'll talk to you later, okay?"
I nodded, waiting for her to leave.
"Love you, babes," she said before cutting the conversation. I smiled at the screen before taking my phone and ringing my grandparents.
"Hey honey," my grandad answered, which was an unusual thing.
"Hey Gramps," I smiled hearing his wonderful voice.
"How are things? You moved in yet?"
I frowned and looked around the room before realising he was only joking.
"Wait, Eves?"
"Yeah?" I answered too quickly.
"Have you moved in with Kit?"
I heard my grandma making a commotion around the phone and shortly after she made herself known.
"What's this, you've moved in together?" she asked.
"Hey Gram… And no, well erm… Not yet," I answered honestly and silence loomed.