Putting his arm over my shoulder he led me over to where the other guys were waiting and I noticed their masks laying around their bags on the floor. It gave me a chance to look at each of their faces, coming to terms with the fact that these lads were the ones I feared when wearing masks.

"I bet you wished you had your camera now, huh?" Nick asked and I scoffed.

"Would certainly put my fitness project to shame," I admitted, remembering the photos I'd taken during college of just men running on a treadmill.

In saying that, I did get some very impressive photos of Kit working out. Some very impressive photos,indeed. I stared back up at Kit and he smiled and reached up over the last part of the wall before standing at the top and waving. I put my hand over my face so I could see him without the rain hitting my eyes. I waved before watching him abseil down. He walked over to me and I had to pinch myself, this ridiculously good-looking guy, dripping with water was indeed my boyfriend. The guys whistled and hooted as Kit wrapped his arms around my back and swept me off my feet with his kiss.

"Hi," he grinned and I had to take a deep breath.

"Hi," I eventually said.

Kit didn't askme about my session with Jerry, and I did wonder why. Perhaps he wanted to remain cool without pressuring me too much about it. On the drive home, we were pretty much in silence. I was gonna give this a go, because, for the first time after speaking to a psychiatrist, I wanted to try what they'd suggested.

"Do you think we could talk about it sometime?" I asked randomly as we waited in traffic. "About what happened to my family?" I added.

I wondered then if Kit could handle that, knowing how close he had been with my dad. He reached over and captured my hand in his.

"Whatever you need to do, Sweetheart, I'm all ears."

That night we were sitting at the dinner table just the two of us. For some reason, Kit's brothers were nowhere to be seen, at work,again… It did make me wonder if something was happening at Delta because they'd been missing a lot recently. But Jason and Eric didn't work at Delta, so what about them?

I decided not to fret too much about it, and as much as I loved Kit's brothers, it was amazing to sit down just the two of us. Kit had cooked and placed a bowl of garlic bread and a pot of something creamy in the centre of the table.

"We're gonna smell great," I said picking up the garlic bread.

"At least we're gonna smell great together," he winked, picking up a piece too.

A few bites later and he eyed me.

"What's your favourite colour?" he asked randomly.

"Green," I answered.

"Like, bright green or—"

"Pastel green," I answered and he nodded.

"You?" I returned the question before taking another bite.

"Probably blue. Like the sky; and your eyes."

He smirked as I shook my head. "You sweet talker."

Once we were finished eating, Kit cleaned the table and I thanked him. He was an amazing cook. Once he returned we lounged there, Kit with his beer and me with a glass of orange juice that he'd made for me. I sipped at it nervously, wondering how I'd start.

I think he knew I was going to talk about this because he eyed me as if he was telling me it was okay.

"So, Jerry told me I should talk to someone about this that would understand."

"He's a smart man."

I nodded and thought about where I should start. After what felt like forever, I finally took a breath and stared at the table, tracing the indentations with my finger.

"They told me I couldn't remember the faces because the acts that they'd committed were so unforgivable and traumatic," I started, remembering the first-ever shrink I'd ever seen. "That my mind had blocked them out."

Kit nodded.

"They made me watch it all," I said then, not allowing my voice to break.