"They've fallen but thankfully always landed on their feet, perhaps you can put them in their places, Miss Johnson."

I grinned at what Tricia had said.

"Kit is the boss," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"And you'rehisboss," she grinned knowingly as we both saw Kit walking towards us.

"Glad you both found something to talk about. Anything I should be worried about?" he asked us both.

Shaking my head, I moved to his side so he could lead the way.

"I was just telling Eve about your death-trap."

"You worry too much, Tricia."

"Someone has to. Now, be careful," she warned and Kit smirked.

Once outside, Kit took my hand.

"You want me to get the cart to drive us down there?"

I frowned and looked at the road leading through the trees to where I'd last seen the assault course.

"Isn't it just through those trees?"

"Yeah, but, I don't wanna overwork you. It's further away than you think..."

I couldn't believe what he was saying and I began laughing. "I'm pregnant Kit, not injured."

I pulled his arm and grinned back at him as I began leading the way. Once we were at the entrance to the large patch of pavement, I stood in awe at the huge course built up before us. I didn't realise how enormous it was.

"You're all batshit crazy. Where the hell are the safety nets and mats in case you fall?"

"Best bet is to just not to fall," he smiled, taking me with him.

"This isn't funny Kit," I scolded him. "My baby doesn't need a broken Daddy because he's been a twat."

Kit stopped to look at me. "There's something really sexy about you calling me your baby's daddy."

I stood firm and challenged him to be serious.

"Fine! I'll order some safety nets, Boss."

I smiled, moved away, and Kit brought me back to kiss him again.

"Come on Kit, I can see you turning soft from here." All of the guys waited at the start of the course, dressed in their gym gear. There were six of them in total, including Kit and they each started warming up as Kit left me there to watch.

"You gonna be okay?" he asked and I nodded.

Kit and Jesse were going first, both being timed by the stopwatch in the other lads hand.

"You go first," Jesse said to Kit and he nodded, rubbing his hands together and eyeing up the task ahead.

Once Kit started climbing the ladder up to the start of the course, the other guys crowded around me. Kit was wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt and I stared in fascination as he pulled it over his head and chucked it on to the base, leaving him only in his shorts. I gulped, seeing him high on a pedestal with his bare six-pack on full display. The same guy that had the stopwatch in his hand also had a whistle. He watched as Kit sized up the rings in front of him. Once Kit nodded his head he blew the whistle and Kit moved fast, gripping his hands into the rings and around the metal hanging above his head. He swung himself from one to another like a monkey. It was impressive, to say the least. Watching his whole body tighten and flex as he twisted and reached his arms to grab the next ring, made me a little bit uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because it was sexy as hell!

Once he'd completed the first part of the course, the second required balance. He had to focus and jump from one obstacle to the next, with nothing but the pavement between each of them. Each obstacle only got higher with every balanced step, meaning not only did he have to balance but he had to climb as well. I could see the determination on his face as he completed it like a boss. He took a quick breather and prepared for the run-up that was needed. Once he took the short run-up he sprinted, jumping higher into the air and I gasped. With the rope in hand, he gripped it tighter and began climbing the knotted rope, patched together like a net. He had to climb up the rope and climb over the other side, all the time the pavement a sheer drop away. It made me so nervous and once he was over the top and at the other side I moved further with the other guys to see him taking on the next part of the challenge.

"You watching, Jesse?" Kit shouted down and I couldn't help but shake my head, smiling at him.