"Why you hired a private doctor at all, I have no idea. Why you didn't even think to tell me about it is a whole different thing entirely."

Sighing, he sat back in his seat and slouched.

"If we rush into a public hospital every second, questions will be asked. Although Delta is top secret, we don't need anyone snooping around, especially now. With everything that's happened, I wanted a doctor ready on stand by if anything like this were to happen. I didn't think I'd ever actually have to use them. That's why I didn't tell you. That's why you've been attending your normal hospital appointments. How would it sound if I told you I'd hired a private doctor in case you're kidnapped again, or in case something terrible happens to you or the baby?"

He stood up unexpectedly. "I know you won't understand my reasoning. You're gonna be mad because I didn't tell you. I used your details and created a patient's profile so should it be needed, you and our baby would be cared for. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you thinking that I was expecting something bad to happen, because I wasn't expecting tonight to happen, honestly—"

"Sorry to interrupt," Doctor Simone came back into the room.

I knew Kit was trying to be polite, but for some reason, he was off-ish with the doctor.

"Someone cleaned you up pretty well," the doctor said to Kit, pointing to his eyebrow.

"Yeah. My brother’s a doctor," Kit answered, looking eager for him to read my test results.

"At Delta?" Doctor Simone asked.

Nodding, Kit stared at him and I knew he didn't want him to ask any further questions.

"Okay, let's read these results."


Kit and I stared at Doctor Simone impatiently until eventually he put us out of our misery and I could take a sigh of relief.

"Everything here seems perfect. Tomorrow on your scan we can check for any bruising, although you never received any trauma to your stomach during the accident?"

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I'll be checking anyway and we'll see how your little boy or girl is doing."

Once hearing that our baby was okay I felt a weight lifting in the room.

"Thank you," Kit said, moving forward to shake Doctor Simone's hand.

Nodding, he began clearing his equipment away and so I thanked him and excused myself the second Kit's brothers re-appeared to see Doctor Simone off. They each stared at me, their eyes full of questions. I couldn't face them just now, I needed to be alone.

In Kit's bathroom,I started by fishing through my hair for the hundreds of pins Lilly had used to pin the sections of my hair up. I would need to ring her to tell her what had happened. I wasn't ready just yet. I still hadn't processed everything myself. Once I was confident I'd found all the grips, I let my hair fall loosely and that's when Kit edged the bathroom door open to stare at me. He propped himself up against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"You just gonna stare at me?" I asked.

"Depends, are you still mad at me?"

"Mad isn't the term I'd use," I answered honestly.

I planned to get a shower to clean away not only the muck on my body from being chucked about, but to try and rid myself of some of the tension. I pulled my hoodie off and Kit moved forward, noticing a large scratch on my forearm. I'd received it during the crash, when I'd been pulled from the limo and shoved into the van.

"How do we know he won't come back?" I asked, not looking at him in the mirror.

"We don't."

I wasn't expecting such an honest answer and it said a lot.

"So, how can we stay safe if we don't know that?"

Sighing, Kit traced his hand up my arm and brought his face to kiss me there. For some reason, I flinched and pulled away from his touch. I turned to face him and he looked equally as confused and hurt by my actions.

"I need some space," I told him honestly.