“You need to go to the hospital,” I reached my hand to his face but he moved away. I wasn’t sure why and it hurt that he’d rejected my touch. I just wanted to help him, to give him that love but his face was set like thunder and it was as if his eyes weren't his own. It was as if his mind was still back in that fight circle.
He saw it too. He saw the look on my face after he’d rejected me and somehow his face sort of softened towards me.
“I’m sorry,” he said, then blinked and brought his head towards mine.
“All I care about is getting you checked, I’m fine.”
Staring at him, I tried bringing my hand to his face again and this time he allowed me to cradle his face, careful not to inflict pain against his injuries.
Once I did, he brought his mouth into my palm and kissed me there and then on my face.
“Come here. Please,” he asked, directing me to cuddle him.
Once I placed my head back onto his body he snuggled his head into mine and held me there, allowing me to hear his heartbeat against his skin.
Once the car stopped,I looked out of the window and frowned. I wasn’t eager to go to the hospital but that was where I was expecting to head after Kit had been so eager to have me checked.
“There’s someone here to see you,” Kit said after all of his brothers piled out of the car and looked around cautiously.
“What do you mean?” I asked, staring at him and not moving off of his body.
“I’ve hired a private doctor. I did it a while ago and didn’t tell you. They're here, ready to see you. That’s who Eric was on the phone with on the way here.”
“You hired a private doctor and didn’t tell me? I went to the hospital with Lillytoday.”
“Eves, I don’t care about explaining that right now. I care about having you examined and making sure our baby is okay, alright?”
I nodded, feeling hurt. I agreed with him because I wanted to make sure our baby was safe too so I got off of him and marched into Kit’s house, ready to meet this private Doctor Kit had hired behind my back.
"Eve, I'm Doctor Simone,"the fairly young doctor spoke to me the second I came into the living room and each of Kit's brothers stood around with their arms folded like a set of bodyguards. Kit was behind me, although I didn't look at him. Once I sat down on the couch, Doctor Simone shifted to face me.
How was this guy a private doctor? He didn't look any older than me.
"I've been told you've experienced some nasty sickness and you're currently pregnant?"
"Fourteen and a half weeks" I answered him.
He nodded, "Well, now that you're technicallymypatient I can hold your twenty-week scan for you when you reach twenty weeks."
"You can?"
"Yes, I'm a certified Obstetrician-gynecologist. That's why I'm told I've been hired by Delta. I have all of your medical records here. I also understand you've had some high blood pressure that's caused you to faint? "
I nodded. "That's correct."
"Is she gonna be okay?" Kit asked.
"Let's take a closer look," the doctor said and each of Kit's brothers spontaneously left the living-room.
"I'm gonna do a few observations—check your blood pressure, your heart rate, the baby’s heart rate. Would you like to go get changed into something more comfortable?"
I hadn't even noticed I was still sitting in my ball gown. I probably looked a bloody state, god knows what he must have thought. Nodding, I got up and headed to Kit's room where Kit found me there shortly after.
"Do you need help?" he asked as I reached for the tie on the back of my dress.
Hearing his voice, I froze and then shook my head. He watched as I undid the cord and eventually pulled the dress over my head before pulling on my hoodie and leggings. He moved aside for me in the doorway and I didn't look him in the face as I passed and made my way back down the stairs.
"I'd like to organise a scan for tomorrow morning," Doctor Simone said and I nodded.