"You just gonna stare?" I asked him, looking at him in the mirror that ran the full length of the wall.

"Uhuh," he answered, not taking his eyes away from my behind.

I looked over my shoulder to where the bottoms of my cheeks could be seen past the hem of Kit's t-shirt and then I looked back at him before continuing to brush my hair. He made his move and lined himself up behind me, bringing his hands to the t-shirt to lift it. Despite him being clothed he still lined my arse up against his crotch so he could caress my hips.

"I'd love to bend you over this sink," he breathed against my ear and he kissed me there.

His words sent a ripple over my body and our eyes locked in the mirror. Closing my eyes, I savoured his kisses to my neck as he held my hips so that I didn't sway.

"I want you to move in with me," he said randomly and my eyes opened again to stare at him in the mirror.

“What?” I questioned him, making sure I'd heard him correctly.


He nodded, still holding me there. He planted one more kiss to my shoulder as I thought about it longer.

"I know our whole relationship has been fast-tracked… But you've practically been living here anyway, my brothers love having you here; I want my family to be together." Kit placed his hand on my stomach as he said the worldfamilyand it made my chest expand. I had practically been living with Kit, I didn't sleep at my grandparent's house anymore and it had mainly been because they weren't there and I didn't want to be alone. He wanted me here with him and it felt safe and natural being here with him. So much so that I never wanted to leave. That was the real reason. I loved him and I wanted to be with him always. I loved Kit's family. They had somehow earned themselves a permanent spot in my heart.

"You don't have to answer right now, just think about it?"

I smiled at him through the mirror and nodded, then he turned me around so he could see my face.

"I love you, you know that, don't you?"

I could see something was bothering him, so I frowned but nodded.

"I love you too." I reached forward and pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What's bothering you?" I asked as his hands snuck their way down to my arse cheeks.

"Right now, it's the knowledge that you're completely naked underneath this t-shirt."

I smiled, "I'll go put some clothes on."

Raising his eyebrows he stopped me in my tracks.

"I'm in no way complaining," he said kissing the edge of my mouth.

"As much as I wanna keep you here, Lilly rang while you were asleep and I think she wants to see you."

I nodded and watched as he walked away, paranoid that something was going on that Kit wasn’t telling me. Perhaps I was just overly paranoid because of things that had happened already.

With my phone in hand, I swiped open the lock.

I'm cooking us tea,do I need to make enough to feed your bodyguards?

I smiledat my phone and began typing back.

Their names areBob and Phil, what happened to calling them hot dads?

Very funny.Get your arse here, I've got something to show you.

Frowning,I looked up from my phone to the clock that was on the side. It was five PM which made sense, my stomach was growling and I knew that if I didn’t eat soon I’d begin feeling sick. It wasn’t the only thing making me ravenous... Kit was wandering around the room and I couldn’t help but stare. Not only because he was beautiful, but because I feared something was going on that he wasn’t telling me. Did he feel the need to tell me he loved me so profoundly because he knew something was going on without my knowledge or was I just being paranoid? Rubbing my head, I settled on the fact that I was indeed bat-shit crazy. I wasn’t going to mention that out loud though. A person like me would have a set of shrinks crowded around her within seconds.

“You are in deep thought there, aren’t you?”

Kit clicked his fingers in front of my face and then held onto the tops of my arms as I swayed a little and blinked until my eyes weren't stinging anymore.