I blinked. "That's about the only thing I am sure of..."

I thought about it some more.

"But he lied!" I added. "He keeps lying to me, there's always something else—always something coming between us. Don't you think that's a sign?"

Lilly just stared at me as I continued to ramble on.

"I'm having a baby, for christ's sake. I need stability, and so does my baby. I can't be with someone who constantly lies to me."

"Eves, shut up," Lilly said simply.

"You love this guy. Yes, he's had to lie to you. Yes, there's always something or someone coming between you both. And yes, you've had the worst luck. Kit has only ever lied to you to protect you, otherwise, I'd be telling you to run from the shit-head."

She sighed, trying to get to her point.

"My point is. If you really love someone, and I mean really love someone, you should fight for them."

Lilly wasn't sounding like herself at all.

"You want me to be with Kit? I thought you hated him?"

"Oh, don't mistake my words for love," she laughed.

"I still think he's a prick. He still has a lot of proving to do before I let him walk you down the aisle—"

"Lill'," I scoffed, "let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"My point is, if you love him and he loves you, you shouldn't let anything get in the way."

I waited a little to take in everything she'd said and then I nodded and smiled. We both then chewed on a mouthful of pasta and I pointed my fork at her as she sat cross-legged in my grandad's chair.

"You're pretty good at advice, you know?"

"I'm a hairdresser. I cut hair and listen to people's problems. I've been doing it for three years and I swear I'm a certified therapist."

I laughed which made her chuckle before she shoved more pasta into her mouth. After eating, I rang my grandparents. The conversation wasn't long but they were having a great time and wished I was with them. Saying goodbye, I hung up the phone and stared across at Lilly engrossed in the TV until I picked up my phone again and dialled out. She smiled as the phone rang and I held my hand to my stomach.

"Hey, sorry, can't answer right now. Leave me a message." Kit's masculine voice spoke into my ear as I listened to his voicemail message and then hung up.

Placing the phone down I looked at Lilly again, expecting Kit to ring back shortly after. When he didn't I frowned and waited a little longer.

"You're thinking about it too hard," Lilly said.

"Wouldn't you be if your partner told you he had to go to work to plan out his fake relationship with his ex?"

Lilly nodded. "Fair point."

"Why don't you surprise him?"

"What?" I asked whilst getting up to get a drink.

"Go to his house and wait for him to come home, you can talk everything out and have more makeup sex."

I shook my head in disbelief and smiled before walking into the kitchen. As I reached into the fridge, I thought about it harder. Icouldsurprise him. I strolled back into the living room.

"Can you drop me off in Beverley?"

"Whey!" Lilly smirked. "Certainly ma-lady," she said before getting up.