Searching my eyes, Kit let go of me but kept himself close.

"And what about you? Do you trust me?"

"I used to."

Truthfully, I didn't trust Kit with my heart, but in everything else I did. I knew it had hurt him, and he closed his eyes in regret before directing them back at me.

"You know now, you know I'm not cheating on you. You know the truth."

"That doesn't change a thing. You've still got to do this with her! You've still got to do this to protect me, right? To protect my baby." My voice broke and I tried not to cry again but Kit got a hold of my neck and pulled me into his chest where he held me there and encased me in his arms.

"No," I said, pulling away from him.

"Eves." Kit brought me back and I cried harder as he kissed my forehead and held me in a bear hug.

All of my emotions were directed at one thing—despite the hurt surrounding my heart that came from Kit, there was something that hurt so much more.

"I'm so scared of something happening to our baby."

"Listen to me." Kit moved me back so I could see his face. "I will never let anything like that happen to our baby, or you. Do you understand me?"

I just stared at him.

"Do you understand me, Eves?" he asked more forcefull and I nodded, crying more as he brought me back into his chest.

I wrapped my arms around him. Feeling Kit's kisses against my cheek made my eyes close and I just wanted to stay here forever with him. For everyone and everything to just leave us alone. I was in my safe place, at Kit's chest, and in his arms but it couldn't last.

"You've gotta trust me, Eves," he said. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"You already have," I said moving away from him.

"Maddie is an old flame, they suggested us working together because we work well together. We can make it believable."

I rolled my eyes. "You're in charge, remember? No one put you with her, Kit."

"Just because I'm in charge, doesn't mean I control everything, Eves. We're a team."

"So, you're prepared to stay with her?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm notwithher, for god's sake. And yes, if it means protecting you, then yes. I'll do anything."

"Anything?" I questioned, wondering just how far he'd already gone with Maddie to make it believable.

"No, Eve. I would never sleep with her. I just take her out, do things with her that I'd do with you so that we're seen together. That way if we are being watched by any gang members, their aim is on Maddie who is specially trained and equipped to handle the situation."

Everything that I wasn't when I'd been kidnapped.

"It's not been going on for long, we only enforced it a few weeks ago."

A light bulb flickered in my head then, "Is that why you were taking me out so much?"

Kit sighed with regret, "Yes. I knew I wouldn't be able to take you out for a long time. I wanted to take you out, just the two of us, like you deserve."

It all made sense, and as I stared at Kit I wondered where the hell we were supposed to go from here.

"You don't deserve any of this, Eves."

"Like you do?" I answered quickly.