"I'm doingthis because I want answers, I wanna meet the people that sent you to me. That's it, okay?"

Kit looked at me as I adjusted my seatbelt, his face full of what looked like regret. Eventually, he nodded and I tried not to swoon as he shifted in his seat, because inhaling his masculine scent did weird things to my body. I rested my head against my arm and up against the car door, and I closed my eyes praying this would all just be over so I didn't feel like this anymore.

Silence grew, the longer we drove, and I could sense Kit deep in thought.

"You may be a bit taken aback by Delta, just stay close to me and you'll be fine."

"I'm sure I'll be fine," I answered quickly.

I had no intention of remaining close to him.

Hell no to that.

I could feel the tension rising as a few minutes passed, allowing Kit to stew. I saw as his knuckles clenched around the steering wheel.

"I'm fucking sick of this. Being in this car with you is torture."

His outburst had shocked me and as I stared over at him, gulping, I tried to swallow the hurt. I wasn't sure I could be hurt anymore by Kit, but he'd just done it.

"You should have told Nick to come and get me—"

"What?" he snapped. "Fuck sake, Eve, that's not what I meant."

As I looked around, I realised that we were now far away from any houses and in the countryside. We were nearing a wooded area and as we drove I admired the beautiful trees at either side of the road, trying to swallow the lump Kit had formed in my throat. I held onto my seat hard as Kit abruptly turned into an off-road dirt track through the trees and down a long road that reached a tall set of gates. I watched as he opened the window and reached his hand out to a machine set into the ground. He placed his hand onto an extended board and shortly after I heard a beep. The gates in front of us opened and Kit drove forward down an even longer road that had woodland at either side. I was honestly gob-smacked as another set of gates appeared. This time there wasn't a machine but a small building set to the side and an armed man dressed fully in black and wearing a black mask appeared from within it.

"Oh, shit," I said as we neared him and the familiar nerves that came from seeing a fully kitted member of Delta set in.

"You're okay, Eves."

I watched as Kit reached forward to his dash and pressed the button that unlocked all of the car doors.

"Once they've checked the car, we'll be able to go in."

I continued to look at him as the man came to the side of the car and looked in on me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He bobbed his head to Kit in greeting and he did the same back before the guy proceeded to open each of the car doors and then the boot. Once he was happy, he moved back to his station and the gates in front of us started to open. We passed more trees at either side until we approached the destination and I stared up through the window at the amazing set of buildings. One was an old fashioned, grand house. It must have been Victorian and it had huge pillars occupying the front doorway. To the side of the stately house, a new, modern and full glass building stood in a league of its own. As we neared, I heard the gravel crunching beneath the wheels of Kit's car and he parked up beside a patch of green in front of the house.

"You ready?" he asked, as I continued to stare up at the building.

"This is Delta?" I asked, astounded by the buildings set before me.

"Technically. That is Delta," he pointed to the glass building.

"That is the safety house," Kit said, looking at the house.

The impressive house was like a castle, with at least ten windows on the ground floor alone. It was three stories high with an extravagant roof that had turrets. As I stood staring up at the building, I tried to imagine my dad here. He'd built this. Not literally, but this was his vision. He'd created this. I gulped and took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself.

"Do you wanna hold my hand?" Kit asked and I felt the tips of his fingers lacing with mine as I stood staring at the doors.

I pulled my hand away, feeling enormous with emotion and I didn't dare look him in the face.

If the sheer image of the glass building wasn't enough to astound me, as we entered the front doors I noticed a large rock statue that did. As I neared, I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at it. I had to hold myself together. This was too much.

"That was built shortly after he passed away. Your dad would think it's corny as hell," Kit said.

"It wasn’t my idea, but now I kinda like it. I find myself saying Hi to him as I arrive to work each day."

I stared at it a little longer.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I could feel his body language changing as if he was about to comfort me. I rejected it before he had the chance by turning away, so he walked over to a white reception desk to speak to the lady behind it. I eyed him and eventually stepped up to the statue of my dad. I stared into the stone eyes and gulped away any emotions rising in my throat as I placed my hand on his cold cheek. I missed him so much, it hurt so bloody much. I wiped a single tear away from my cheek and felt Kit's eyes burning a hole in the side of my face as I tried to do it discreetly.