"Hey," I said.

"Hey, I was afraid you were gonna have this baby without me."

"Like I even could? I know you'd kill me." I tried to smile despite the pain in my lower back.

"Your Grandparents are on their way.”

I nodded and closed my eyes.

“We can do this, Eves.Youcan do this," she said, as another contraction started.

"Why don't you lay down?"

I shook my head, gripping hard onto the window ledge, riding the pain.

"She doesn't want to. She said standing up helps the pain," Kit answered.

"The nurse said I'm eight centimeters dilated," I said once the contraction toned down.

"That's fantastic, Eves. You've done bloody brilliant."

The next contraction lasted longer, making my legs go weak from beneath me. I had no option but to lay down. Then Beatrice reappeared. Everything was such a blare from then on, and all I could focus on was the pain as everyone else spoke amongst themselves. I heard Kit's brothers being mentioned but kept quiet, wanting to shout at them all to just be quiet. The pain was making me lose my mind, the longer it lasted, the more it drained me until I was just a whimpering mess on the bed with my legs wide open for the world to see. Somewhere within me, I had to find the mental power to push myself through this. I had to, because I could feel my strength faltering.

"Okay, Eve, darling. You should feel the need to start pushing soon," Beatrice said after checking how many centimeters dilated I was now. It was so damn painful I bit onto my hand, thankful when it was over.

I glanced at Kit once my eyes opened, his face looking so bloody perfect when I knew how much of a mess I must have looked.

"Do you feel the need to push her, Sweetheart?" Beatrice asked.

"I don't know, I've never felt it—" I had to stop mid sentence because another contraction came, this time applying a huge pressure, forcing a huge weight. My body knew what it wanted, and the pain made my head fall back as I groaned and nodded.

"I'm ready, I'm ready." I said, feeling the pressure heightening inside my body.

"Okay, Eve, when the next contraction comes I want you to push as hard as you can into your bum."

I nodded and felt Kit kissing my forehead, giving me his hand, as did Lilly as I awaited the agonising pain I knew was to come. Once it did, I whimpered and took a deep breath before holding it and pushing as hard as I could. I ran the full contraction, my eyes tightly shut the full time.

"Brilliant, Eve, take a break," Beatrice said and I laid my head back.

That happened a few more times until the pain became so unreal I wasn't sure I could continue anymore.

"I don't think I can do this much longer," I admitted, feeling ashamed.

With his hand caressing my head, I felt Kit lowering his head to mine.

"I know how strong you are. Just a few more minutes, baby and I swear it will all be over."

I did the best I could to absorb his words and as another contraction came I bit my teeth together and pushed harder, feeling my baby travelling further down with every push.

"I can see the baby's head, would you like to take a look? I can grab a mirror."

Hell no to that.

I just wanted this over with, I didn't have time to see how hideous I must have looked from that angle.

Kit did though, and managed to tell me that our baby’s hair was blonde like mine. How the hell he could tell, I had no idea…

I wasn't given long to think more about it because another contraction was coming, bigger and longer than any of the others.