"What? How?" I sat further up in my seat and stared at him.

"Eves," he gave me a certain look but I wasn't backing down.

"Did Bob and Phil tell you?"

"No. They didn't have to."

When I didn't answer him, I thought about who could have told him when he reached for my wrist and held it up.

"Bollocks," I said and pushed my head back into the headrest.

"You keep tabs on my tracker?" I asked, staring at my charm bracelet that Kit had given me for my birthday. The little blue gem was still as beautiful as the day he'd given it to me, and I loved it just as much.

"Come on, Eves. Of course I do."

"So, you knew I was at Delta and suspected a party?"

"Partly… but you could have just been there to see Jerry."

"Don't bullshit me, Kit," I sighed, feeling deflated.

"Aw, come on, Eves. I wish I'd never said anything now. It was a great party, Sweetheart. It really was."

I nodded, as long as he'd enjoyed it, that's all that mattered.

"And, the cake was amazing."

I smiled. "Well, I am a professional baker… I just needed to burn the first cake in order to realise it."

He grinned and started to rub my leg again.

Havinga race through a ton of sloppy wet mud seemed like the perfect thing for adequately fit guys to be doing to raise money.

Watching them seemed like the best thing ever formyselfto be doing.

Truthfully, I only had my eyes on one guy, and right now he was standing with the rest of his brothers and the guys from Delta on the outskirts of the track they were about to take on.

Just as Jesse described, two miles of track was not only tons of mud, but had obstacles as well. Tricia had managed to organise a charity to donate to, their earnings would be going to children in need. I already knew Kit and the other lads had each shoved a load of notes into the collection box and their generosity had floored me. Once they'd left the collection box I placed a twenty-pound note into the box. Lilly did the same and so did Tricia.

Tricia, myself and a very reluctant Lilly stood on the outer edges of the track where a strip of tape ran the full length of the course to separate us from them. Tricia had brought a couple of binoculars with her and handed me a set. I thanked her and looked around at the sheer amount of people here. There were other teams preparing beside the starting line and they brought along with them their own entourage of people ready to cheer them on. Shortly before the race was to start, they began warming up. Kit looked over and smiled.

I was wrapped up like a bloody walnut whip. Out here in the open field and in the falling cold weather, I feared for those lads only wearing shorts and a vest. Thank god they were warming up. As soon as they started, Lilly started to perk up a bit and I eyed her as she took my binoculars and faced them in that particular direction.

"What? I just wanna make sure they warm up properly."

"Yeah, you obviously don't need me to point out which one isNick."

"Actually, I'm looking at that blonde blokenext toNick."

I nodded. "All right Lil'," I said sarcastically, not being fobbed off at all.

After warming up, all of the lads lined up, along with other groups of teams that were taking part in the race. They each got themselves ready and once the horn was blown they each legged it, at first, fast like whippets until their legs submerged beneath inches of thick, gloopy mud.

I heard Lilly chuckling from my side and it was music to my ears.

"God," Tricia said as she moved closer.

"That mud is like cement," she commented and I grinned at her, then watched as the lads pulled their legs up out of the mud over and over again. Eventually, someone would have to fall. I'd already seen various people from another group falling, but now one of the Delta lads had fallen and I smirked as all of the guys cheered and patted him on the shoulder before he pulled himself back up. I realised quickly that these guys weren't working as a team. They had their own private race going on and right now, Nick was winning.