"Jesus, this is too cute," Jason said feeling obviously awkward.
Kit then picked up his second present from me and inside he found a mug. A plain mug. It was completely plain and he looked at me oblivious as he looked inside. As he did, it revealed the base of the mug to everyone else and I held it together as everyone laughed.
"I'm sorry,"I mouthed as he stared at me and then lifted his mug to look at the base that readI'm a twat.
Even he struggled to hold it together while everyone continued to laugh.
He moved around the table then and came towards me, bringing his hand around my neck so he could kiss me.
I couldn't helpbut stare as Kit and his brothers standing together.
Lilly came up beside me and followed my eyes to them.
"What you staring at?"
"Can you believe they're all different ages?"
She stood beside me, staring just like I was at each of them and shortly after they each realised and stared right back.
"Oh shit, they've spotted us," Lilly said.
We each laughed once we'd turned away.
"In answer to your question. No, they all look the same to me. How old are they?"
"Obviously Kit's twenty-five. Nick is twenty-four—"
"I already knew that," she butted in.
"Of course you do," I answered, the edges of my lips turning upwards.
I saw the look she gave me and continued.
"Okay. Eric is twenty-three, Jason is twenty-six and Jax is twenty-seven."
"I feel sorry for their mother’s vagina. That means she literally had a babyeveryyear for five years…"
I nodded, remembering what Kit had told me about his mother.
The gatheringfor Kit's birthday had been a success and hours later we dropped Lilly off at her home and sat in silence for a short while. Kit extended his hand to caress my bare leg and he left it there as he drove us home.
"Did you have a good time? Honestly?" I asked, looking over at him.
"Course I did." He smiled, stroking my inner leg with his thumb.
"You really thought I'd forgotten your birthday?"
He looked at me and when he didn't speak I frowned at him.
"I didn't think you'd forget, no."
"What was that look for? Did you suspect we'd surprise you with a party?"
"Course not," he said, not looking at me.
"Kit," my frown deepened and he chuckled.
"Okay. Sort of… I knew you were at Delta before I saw you there, okay? But that doesn't matter. It was still an amazing surprise."