"That bastard," I spoke quietly and stared across the room at Nick talking to Jesse.

Kit smirked at me, making me feel shy under his intense stare.

"You thought I'd forgotten your birthday, didn't you?"

He shrugged. "There’s been a lot going on. I wouldn't have been mad if you had. I wasn't expecting anything like this."

I nodded, knowing the last thing Kit did was think about himself.

"I wanted to show you how much we all appreciate you."

"You big softy. Come here."

He kissed me but we were interrupted shortly after.

"Time to open your presents!" Tricia said and I placed my glass of orange juice down to watch as Kit moved towards his pile of presents on the side table.

"You know, for a bunch of guys you've all surprised me," Kit said, staring at his team that stood waiting for him to open their presents.

Most of them were bottles of alcohol and he looked at me.

"We now have a fully stocked collection," he said and I nodded, smiling at him.

He then picked up the presents from his brothers and eyed them suspiciously.

I knew from personal experience that Kit was hell to buy for, so I was impressed that they'd each thought of something to buy him.

Eric got him the full Game of Thrones box set.

Jax got him a really cool black t-shirt that had sleeves and a collar with buttons down the front. Nick got him a keyring shaped like a dollop of whipped cream with the wordwhippedon it. It was an ongoing joke that I'd somehow whipped Kit and had him wrapped around my little finger. He winked at me and I shook my head, laughing with everyone else. Finally, Jason's present and Kit opened it with caution, as if he was prepared for something unusual.

I wasn't sure what it was at first and frowned when I saw Kit taking a set of pinchers and goggles out of the box. He then started to laugh once he'd picked up an apron from within the box and turned it to face us.

HAZARDOUS.Baby changing has commenced.

Everyone started laughingand I smirked at Jason, who stood looking awfully proud of himself.

"My best gift yet, I know…" he said.

He smirked at me as Kit tried on the apron.

He then picked up Lilly's present and thanked her before ripping the paper off.

She'd got him a bottle of aftershave and he eyed her. "You think I smell, Lil'?" he questioned.

"Well, I figured the amount you wear, that shit is gonna run out pretty snappy so I'm just keeping you topped up."

He smirked, as did the other lads, and he thanked her before giving her a wink.

Next was my present.

He eyed me and smiled, opening each end of the package until he pulled the box from out of the wrapping paper.

I'd chosen the most corny gift ever. Like I said already, Kit was a nightmare to buy for so instead, I had something made for him.

He pulled out two pieces of clothing. One was black and the other was white. First, he held up his black t-shirt that saidlegendon the front. Then he picked up the small white baby-grow that saidlegacyon it.

I wanted to apologize for not getting him a better gift but everyone awed and he stared at me, grinning at me. I hope that meant he liked them.