"You did what you had to do, Lilly," he said.

"I murdered her," she answered and he shook his head.

"You protected Eves and you, Lil', do you hear me?"

I wasn't sure if she could hear him because she wasn't answering him. She was barely acknowledging us at all.

Kit left me with Nick, knowing I'd be safe and Nick extended his hand for me to take.

He held both me and Lilly there as Kit went to see what Nick already had. Once he returned, he looked as white as Lilly.

"We need to get them out of here," he said.

"We have to wait for the rest of them to get here," Nick answered.

Kit nodded. "Take them upstairs? I'll deal with this."

Kit gave me a look and I could see everything he was feeling, just from the one look.

Despite what Maddie had done, they'd had a friendship once upon a time.

I moved to his side and kissed his cheek before telling him that I was sorry.

I knew it wouldn't make him feel any better, and as I turned to leave with Nick, I wasn't expecting him to hold my hand so I couldn't move away.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked, searching my eyes.

"She was your friend," I answered as if it were obvious.

"She could have killed you and the baby, andyou'resorry?"

I nodded, realising how crazy I probably sounded.

He brought his lips to my temple then and kissed me there.

"Everything is gonna be okay, alright? I'll be right down here."

Nodding, I followed Lilly and Nick upstairs and we settled in her bedroom.

"What is gonna happen?" I asked and Nick's attention shifted from Lilly. Up until then he'd had his eyes glued only on her.

"They'll assess the scene and gather evidence."

"Will I be arrested?" Lilly asked and he shook his head.

"Normally, yes. If the police were dealing with the case, you'd be arrested. Thankfully we'll be able to keep this under the radar which means we won't have to involve the police at all. We have evidence. She attacked both Bob and Phil outside and she's been hassling Kit for days with texts. She sent him the picture of her and Eve. You acted in self defence to protect Eve. We don't know what could have happened. You did the right thing, Lil', you have to know that."

I knew Nick treaded on eggshells around the thing that really needed to be said, but he didn't say it. Probably because he didn't wanna upset me.

"She could have killed me, Lil'. She could have killed me and the baby. You're a hero. You hear me?"

Nick looked at me and nodded and then smiled at her.

She looked at me then and reached for my hand, and I saw the tears in her eyes.

I wasn'tsure Lilly was ever going to recover from this. I wasn't expecting her to. I wanted her to truly know that she was a hero for what she'd done, despite the fact that she had killed someone. Once Delta filed the case and took an interview from myself and Lilly, they conducted a huge clean up job, removed the blood stained couch from her parents living room, and replaced it with an identical copy. Although, we hadn't seen it. A week later, and we still couldn't bring ourselves to go into that room. Whilst Lilly's parents were still away for the remainder of the week, Lilly stayed with us. I wanted to make sure she was okay, and I babied her probably too much.

I spent every waking second that I could with her and although Kit and I had made up, we still hadn't really had the time to sit down alone together and discuss everything that had caused our argument in the first place. It felt weird once Lilly had gone home. At the first possible opportunity my grandparents had demanded a full report from Kit and I over what had happened and he was happy to explain everything to them. We sat with them for over two hours answering any of their questions.