"How was work?" I asked trying to change the subject, and she got up.

"Fine. You hungry?"

I smiled. Lilly was what I liked to call afeeder.There wasn't a problem she wouldn't try to fix with food.

Once Lilly had placed the kettle on, she placed two cups on the side and eventually made us two cups of tea.

"I'm gonna go get a quick shower, okay? I haven't had the chance yet."

I nodded and left her in the hallway. She went up the stairs and I went into the main living room to watch tele.

Once there, I gasped, because someone was on the couch, and I thought about legging it. Instead, I stood astounded and searched the room for anyone else.

"Hi, Eve."

"Maddie?" I stared at the back of her head and I had to move around the couch to see her properly.

I thought about just running, and I wished I had because in that split second I'd forgotten I was alone. Once I saw her fully sitting comfortably on the couch I saw the gun resting against her boot as if it were her pet. Her legs were crossed and she sat looking awfully cool for a crazy chick stroking a gun.

"Jesus, Maddie, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd pop in, drive Kit a little mad. Oh, you wanna take a selfie?"

I eyed the gun in her hand, as she held it there so peacefully.

"We'd better be quick though, whilst your bezzie is in the shower."

"Why are youreallyhere?" I asked, staring back at the gun.

"Ohthis? Don't worry about this," she said, waving it about.

"This is just a piece of insurance I like to carry around. Now, come sit with me."

I shook my head and stared at her as her face changed.

"Sit, Eves," she said more irritated and the gun shifted in her hand.

I gulped and did as she said.

I gasped as soon as I did because she scooted over to me, and lifted her phone to take a selfie with me.

"Oh, he'lllovethat one. Wait, though, which one do you think I should send him next?" She asked, lifting her phone so that I could see her scrolling through dozens of naked pictures she'd taken.

"You do know my fight isn't withyou,don't you?"

I did whatever I had to in that situation and I nodded.

"I just think he should pay for leading me on. He'll only do the same to you. He'll get bored and move on."

Although I knew Maddie was mental, I couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to what she was saying.

"I've been trying to figure out what I can use toreallyget back at him. Always, my mind lands on the same thing.You. Let's not forget you're his golden girl, Eves. You won him," she said bitterly whilst moving back to her original spot by the door.

"What if he doesn't want me? What if he's got bored of me like you said?"

"Then, in that case," she smiled, "despite how he uses women, I know the guilt he feels every time he fails a mission and someone gets hurt due to him."

"What does that mean?"