I stared down at my hands in my lap.

"You always tell me that I can tell you anything. I'm doing that now and you don't believe me…"

"I never said that," he answered, taking a seat.

"If Kit was sent to protect you, why are you now pregnant with his baby?"

"Isn't that obvious?" My grandma shocked us both by piping up.

"He fell for her, obviously."

"So, now you put all of your faith into this company, in this underground firm your father supposedly created?"

"Delta is now technically mine. When I turned twenty-one, the rights to Delta automatically were handed to me. And yes, I'm trying to. They've saved me on more than one occasion."

"More than one occasion?" my grandma asked.

I nodded and realised I'd have to start from the very beginning and tell them everything.

An hour later it was getting dark outside but they knew everything. Every last detail about Delta and what had happened up until that point.

"I think I'm going to faint," my grandma said and I rushed to her side.

As I looked at her face, I realised lifting the burden and guilt from not telling them, wasn't worth it. I never wanted to hurt the people I loved so much.

"I'm so sorry." I stood up from her side. "I should have never told you. This is why they told me not to tell you."

"They told you that? They had you lie to us?"

"At first, I thought they were just trying to protect Delta, because Delta is top secret. Not even the police know about them. Now, I know that's not the only reason. They had me keep it a secret to protect you. Now I understand why. This is too much."

They both stared at me.

"You've been in so much danger, Eves, and we knew nothing about it," my grandad said and my grandma began crying.

"I'm so sorry," I said, feeling absolutely awful.

I backed myself onto the couch and held my head in my hands.

"Eves," my grandad made me look at him.

"Are you safe now?" he asked.

How could I answer that question?

"I don't know," I answered honestly, "but we've done everythingwe can. He'sdone everything…" I trailed off, feeling lost in the sentence asked.

Silence loomed and I wasn't sure what could possibly be said next. I'd turned what was supposed to be a happy day, finding out my baby's gender, into a mess. Kit was elsewhere about our baby being a girl. I'd just unloaded everything I'd been told to keep secret onto my grandparents because I'd been selfish.

"How have you coped?" my grandma asked and I looked at her.

"How have you coped keeping all of this to yourself? You're pregnant, and you've held all of this inside."

I nodded. "I just couldn't keep it from you any longer, it was killing me."

My grandad just stared at me from where he stood near the fireplace.

"Please just understand, everything that has been done has been done to keep us safe," I said as he stared at the clock.