* * *

"So,what do we do with her?" Nick asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You can teach her ballet," Eric started, "Jason, you can be the backup singer, Jax, you're on hair and make up andIwill be the cool uncle that takes her shopping all the time—gets her everything she wants and in exchange, she'll have to sign a contractneverto get with some little punk tryna—"

"Easy," Kit cut him off and it made my heart swell. Already was he being the protective Dad over his little girl and it made me seriously hot for him.

Despite that, these brothers needed putting in their place.

"You lads need to seriously chill out, let her at least get to ten before you start laying down the law as her Uncles, okay?"

Each of them nodded and Nick smiled, looking at me.

"She's gonna be the cutest little princess, ever."

"We can buy her a pink surfboard!" Jason said.

I raised my eyebrows. "You surf?" I looked at Kit and he nodded.

He'd been quiet since we'd left the hospital and I knew why.

"How have I not seen you surf by now?" I asked them all.

"We've been a bit preoccupied," Kit answered, not looking at me.

I glanced at each of his brothers, and they all already had their eyes on me. Was this really that much of a big deal? We were having a baby girl. She was healthy and perfect, so why did Kit seem so bothered? Unless there was something else. Something else he wasn't telling me.

I was planning on going to my grandparents house to share the news with them, I stood up to give each of them a hug goodbye.

"You thought of a name yet?" Jax asked and I glanced at Kit, he wasn't even with us. It was as if he'd totally zoned out and I shook my head.

"Not yet," I smiled.

He nodded and gave me another side hug before allowing me to leave their living room.

In the hallway, I got my shoes on as Kit came to do the same thing.

"I'm gonna go see them alone," I said, not looking at him.

"I texted Bob, he's here to take me."

"What? Why?"

Kit was urging for me to look at him, and when I finally did he searched my eyes.

"I think you need some time alone," I said looking away from him.

"For you to work out what youreallywant. We're incredibly blessed Kit and you're moping about as if you've been handed bad news."

He was about to speak but I wasn't finished, and I gripped the door handle and undid the security.

"You just need some time alone, and so do I," I said before opening the door and leaving him standing there.

Bob was waiting for me at the bottom of the steps and I thanked him for meeting me.

In the car, I told him I was having a little girl and despite the little amount of chit-chat I got out of Bob, he congratulated me and seemed genuinely happy for us. I carried on speaking after that, despite his lack of conversation.

"I mean, what's so bad about having a little girl anyway?"