"You're really taking me to Delta? They wanna see me?"

I couldn't deny my need to see the place my Dad had built himself, as well as the people who had made decisions regarding my life once he was gone. It had been decided that my part at Delta would be held off until it was safer. I wondered why they now wanted to see me.

"That's why I'm here," Kit answered.

* * *

As I leadKit through Lilly's house, I was sure to take him through the kitchen back door and not through the patio doors where I'd left Lilly sleeping. When I found her still asleep, I went back into the kitchen, where I'd left Kit, to search the cupboard for a pen and paper. Once I had it on the counter, I stared at it trying to figure out what lie I would feed her this time. I couldn't leave her a note saying I was going to Delta. I couldn't tell her how much I wanted to talk to her about all of the fucked up things that had happened since meeting Kit. I couldn't tell anyone.

My hormones were getting the better of me and I felt Kit taking a hold of my arm to face him as I started to get upset.

"Hey," he said gently, making me look at him.

I wouldn't though, because I was afraid that looking at him would reduce me to tears.

"I can't keep lying to her," I said then.

"I understand," he answered and I looked up to see his face.

"Lie to who?" We both heard Lilly and looked over to where she stood in the kitchen doorway. Still in her pyjamas and looking ruffled after just waking up. She stared at me, waiting for me to answer.


"Well,you gonna tell me or leave me guessing that you're talking about me?" Lilly asked, searching both of our faces.

"And why is he here?" She glared at Kit.

I nodded then, knowing I had to tell her. I moved over to the table and took a seat and glanced over at Kit.

"Can you give us a minute?"

He looked directly at me, and I knew what he was thinking. I knew he didn't want me to tell Lilly, and part of me didn't want to either, but I had to. Especially now that she'd heard us talking. Eventually, looking defeated, Kit nodded.

"I'll wait for you in the car," he said before leaving.

"What? You're going with him?"

I stared at Lilly.

"Are you getting back together?" she asked, "Please tell me you're not getting back together."

"No, we're not getting back together. He's still a cheater, nothing has changed."

"So, what the fuck is going on?"

"He's taking me to a place called Delta."

"You mean, like a frat house?"

Shaking my head, I brought my hands to my forehead and rubbed.

Lilly took a seat at the table with me.

"Lilly. My dad was the founder of an undercover security firm. His job was to track and stop mass criminals and protect people under a protection scheme, and Kit worked for him."

Lilly looked absolutely gobsmacked, like I'd expected.

She shook her head and blinked a few times as if she was trying to wake herself up to confirm what I'd actually said.