"Here, I can see we have a huge mansion and—" I pulled my arm back as I heard him getting ready to spit into my hand.

"Oh look, an evaporated pool!" I said, keeping my hand to myself. He laughed and it made me hit him with the same hand.

"You know I'd have flattened you if you'd have spit in my hand, don't you?"

"I would have admired you for trying, Blondie."

"Don't wind me up, I'm tired and hormonal. Not to mention pregnant."

Kit laughed and cuddled into my behind as I laid down and turned away from him.

"I'll let you have that one."

"Good, because you did it to me."

"Yes, yes Idid," he answered, sounding impressed with himself.

The atmosphere changed then as he reached down to caress my stomach.

Our baby was always more active when I laid down, and so we waited.

They didn't leave us disappointed.

Shortly after and against Kit's palm, they kicked.

I smiled, hearing Kit's intake of breath as he moved his hand around.

I lowered my hand onto my stomach so I could feel as well.

As always, once my hand brushed against his, a tingle landed over my skin.

He threaded his hand with mine, kissing my shoulder.

"Have you decided if you wanna know the sex?" he asked.

I nodded. "I wanna know."

Kit kissed my shoulder again and it made my eyes flutter. My eyes didn't open again afterwards. They felt heavy and they fought against me. This pregnancy thing was really knocking the energy out of me. Despite wanting to stay awake to talk more with Kit, I wasabsolutelyexhausted.

I fell asleep without even having to think twice about it.

Kit wokeup early and got ready for his jog. Shortly before leaving he found me dressed to join him.

"You're not serious, are you?"

"It's healthy to exercise during pregnancy Kit, I'm gonna start jogging."

Kit eyed me dressed in my leggings and top.

"I don't really have gym attire…"

"Your attire is perfect, if not somewhat distracting…"

"Distracting?" I frowned at him, wondering if I looked fat.

Of course I looked fat. I was bloody pregnant!

"You have a peachy ass, Eves. It's not hard to miss… Especially not in those tight leggings. Andthese..." Kit came closer, hovering his hands over my slightly more blown up tits.