"We ever gonna order food?" Jason said from where we all sat waiting for Kit in the living room.

Nick was flicking through movies on the Amazon stick, trying to find something to watch when I nudged his arm.

"You okay?" I asked, noticing he'd hardly said a thing whilst being here.

"Yeah," he smiled.

"You've literally just eaten a bag of chips," Eric said to Jason.

"So I had alittlepre-snack."

Kit entered the living room then and stepped over each of the lads legs to get passed.

He was freshly showered and dressed in his vest and shorts, ready for bed.

"Iwashoping to come home and fuck my girlfriend in peace—"

Did he really just say that?

"But, seeing as you're all here, I call dibs on choosing what film we're watching." He smiled across at me and took the remote from Nick who gladly surrendered it.

Each of his brothers scoffed or chuckled as I sat looking mortified and he sat down beside me grinning.

"Yourgirlfriend wanted a slumber party," Jason answered and Kit looked at me in question.

I shrugged. "What can I say, I missed their inappropriate comments and theirwinningcharm," I glared at Jason and it made him smile.

"Naw! We missed you too, Eves," Nick grinned.

"Weevergonna order food?" Jason asked.

"Yes, I need food," Kit agreed and I watched as he took out his phone and searched for a takeaway.

I couldn't help feeling that Lilly should have been here. I wished so badly that her and Nick would sort their shit out. I knew she would never have agreed to come anyway with him here.

Quarter of the way into the film, our food arrived. I was thankful that we'd ordered Chinese. Somehow, it didn't seem as unhealthy as say pizza or chips.

I'd been doing my best recently to eat as healthy as possible, not only for the baby but because I didn't want to pile on a tone of extra weight. I'd come to terms with the fact that I was going to be huge. I had to. I just kept holding onto the fact that Kit still said he found me attractive. Still, he could have been lying...

"It's weird how suddenly,we're a normal couple, living in our own house and getting into bed like…"

"Normal people?" I teased, smirking at him and he picked up my hand to kiss my palm.

When he stared at my hand longer, I wondered why.

"Let me read your palm."

"You can't read palms."

I didn't believe it but Kit raised his eyebrows to challenge and so I let him.

"Hmm, interesting," he said adjusting his lips and I grinned.

He traced my lifeline with his finger.

I was awfully skeptical of this. No way did Kit know how to read palms.

"Hmm, I see myself here," he smirked and I scoffed, knowing now that this was utter bullshit.