Over and over Kit had to remind me that what was his was now mine, but I still couldn't comprehend the amount he was spending. He was fairly light-headed about my choices too. I suggested mainly plain and pastel-coloured accessories because I knew it would make our house seem calm and relaxed. We needed that. Once we'd picked a bed it was finally time to leave. We already had built-in wardrobes at our home. It still felt so weird to sayour home.I never, ever pictured this for myself.

"I know what I said," I answered Kit, feeling wound up like a coil.

"Hormonal," Nick commented from the backseat of Kit's car and I turned around to eye him.

He placed his hands up in surrender.

"You're lucky I like you," I said and he chuckled.

"Most of the time," I added, looking out of the window and thinking about Lilly.

It made Kit scoff and grin in his seat as he pulled into B&Q. Taking my hand, he kissed it and I smiled like a teenage girl. The wash of butterflies settled in my stomach as Kit led me inside. Straight to the paint section where he had me pick out colours.

"What colours do you want?" I asked him.

"I'm not bothered, whatever you like," he said carelessly and I narrowed my eyes at him.

Despite already discussing the pastel blue colour for the living room wall, I reached for a tub of bright pink paint and he stared at me.

"You're joking right?" he asked and I grinned and bit my lip.

"See, you do care," I commented.

"You don't want bright pink walls do you?" he asked looking at me, then to Nick, and then back again.

I shook my head and reached for a pastel blue colour and handed it to him. Then I took another walk up and down the aisle, picking the perfect colour from the paint strip I'd found showing all of the shades on paper. I eventually picked a pastel green pot and brought it to him. Despite our bedroom already painted pastel green, this colour wasn't quite the same.

"I think we should paint the nursery this colour because it will suit a boy or a girl..."

He nodded, taking the tub from me and looking at the colour.

"I like it," he said, making me happy.

* * *

I dressedin my trampy clothes—an old pair of leggings and a ripped top I would usually wear for bed. I watched as Kit undid the lid on the paint tub and poured a load of green paint into the tray. He was wearing a sleeveless vest top and an old pair of jeans that had been marked from his renovation work to the house. The way he had an old rag hanging out of his pocket, and the way he rubbed his head with his arm sent a buzz over my body. I just stared at him, admiring everything about him.

"You ready?" he asked, handing me a roller brush.

I took it from him and nodded. We'd moved all the furniture into the centre of the nursery and had covered everything, including the floor in huge plastic sheets. I loved it, in fact, painting the walls in complete silence was so relaxing that I didn't want it to stop. Eventually Kit and I clashed. He was working up on the ladders, painting against the skirting boards and I painted beneath him in the only section I hadn't painted yet when I felt a blob of paint landing on my nose.


"What?" he asked, glancing down at me. "Oh shit, sorry," he smirked and the more he looked at me the more he laughed.

He came down the ladder as I wiped the paint from my face and he grinned at me whilst coming towards me with his rag. I rolled my eyes as he attempted to wipe it from my face.

"Crap, I'm just making it worse," he said.

"You think this is funny?" I asked him, staring at his smile.

I brought my hand up then and placed it against his cheek. At first, he wasn't aware that in the palm of my hand, there was a huge dollop of paint that I'd wiped from my nose. Now it was on his cheek and I reached for his rag.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I smirked, having my fill of revenge.

"You little…" he smirked, using his rag to clean his face. His paintbrush was still in his other hand and I dodged it coming towards my face.

"Oh no," I said warning him. "We're not gonna replay those corny scenes in films where they have a paint fight and then—"