I nodded, knowing that already.

"Did you invite Niomi?" he asked and I nodded.

I hadn't seen Niomi since we'd finished college and I couldn't believe it had been so long.

"She's coming," I answered.

I felt a strange sensation in my stomach then and wondered If I had trapped wind. I frowned and lowered my hand to where I'd felt it.

"What?" Kit asked, looking concerned.

"Nothing," I said, not sure what it was.

"Did you feel a kick?" he asked and I just stared at him as he got onto his knees and knelt before me.

"Okay, so this is your first party, buddy," he started and I couldn't help but beam at him.

"I want you on your best behaviour and don't stay up too late."

Once he stood up I kissed his grinning face and shook my head laughing. He led me downstairs afterwards and held me close as people started making their way into the house, being granted entry by Jason, who stood at the front door like a bouncer. In confusion, I stared at the coffee table where presents had started to pile up.

"Housewarming gifts, I reckon," Kit smiled.


Jason had been serious about this being a party to celebrate our new home. Shortly after the coffee table was pushed aside to make a make-shift dance floor and it reminded me of the first time that Kit had brought me here to a party. That time, there had been a stripping game being held in the living room. As I looked around, I spotted each of Kit's brothers, holding a beer and chatting to a group of people.

"You wanna dance?" Kit said into my ear but before I had a chance to answer he'd taken our drinks and placed them on the side.

He led me to where others were dancing and I stood shocked at the beautiful woman dressed in a skimpy dress strutting her stuff. Kit didn't seem to pay her any attention and I wanted to pat him on the back for remaining so cool. I wouldn't have blamed him for looking. She was showing all of her best...assets. I realised then that the girl was Tricia's assistant. The girl that currently manned the front desk at Delta. Instead of looking, he only brought me closer so we could dance.

"You know I can't dance," I said as he came up behind me and kissed my bare shoulder.

"I know you're lying. I saw you dancing at your Aunt's wedding."

"You did?" I asked, feeling his lips against my shoulder as he moved behind me.

I began shifting my hips then as Kit kept his face against my shoulder and gently held his arm around my waist. In the darkness of the room, I allowed my eyes to close, savouring his touch against the music.

When my arse brushed against Kit's crotch I felt his grip tighten then he moved us so that he was facing me opposed to being behind. I smiled knowing the brush had turned him on and I put my arms around his neck. Whilst kissing me, we both felt someone shifting by and we watched as Eric brought our attention to him turning the music off. The lights were turned on and shortly after he shouted for everyone to be quiet. He was making his way through the house and he stood against the fireplace in the living room, holding his beer in hand.

"I just wanted to say a few words," he said smiling at us both as Nick came up beside me. Jax took a seat on the couch and Jason moved to the single sofa chair where he pulled a lass onto his lap. I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was his lay for the night.

That lad worked fast.

"Firstly, thank you all for coming. We're here to celebrate my bro' and Eves buying their first home together."

Kit smiled at me, making me blush as everyone nearby smiled at us. Just then, the doorbell rang and we all waited as Jax went to open the door. Niomi came into the room, looking uncomfortable as everyone stared at her.

"Woah, who the fuck is that?" I heard someone say close by and my theories as to who it was were confirmed when I saw Jesse eyeing Niomi up. She beamed at me and mouthedsorryfor being late.

"So, yeah—" Eric continued and we all brought our attention back to him. "What I wanted to say was that I'm truly happy for you guys, you deserve all the happiness in the world and we love you."

I was nearly crying by the end of his speech and he lifted his beer to hold a toast as I wiped my face. Everyone lifted their glasses and bottles and toasted to us. Jax lifted his bottle to me when he saw me looking and I smiled, trying not to let my hormones get the better of me.

"You okay, Blondie?" Kit spoke into my ear from where he stood behind me and I nodded, wiping my eyes clean. When Eric came over to us, Kit moved aside so he could hug his brother and Jason took his opportunity to get up and turn the music back on.

It allowed us alone time to each hug each other because everyone went back to the party as Jason held onto me and then kissed my cheek.