I looked at each of them as concern laid over each of their faces.

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Jason said, lifting his hand and coming towards me. A few months ago, I wouldn't have expected Jason to be the one to try and comfort me but somehow we'd gotten closer. I had no idea how that happened but I had to hold him off so I could compose myself.

"I'm fine," I said.

"I just can't believe—" I choked on my words and Kit placed his hand further over my back, gently rubbing up and down.

"I just can't believe you've all done this for me," I eventually said.

They each smiled and came towards me, offering me a hug at the same time and I had to laugh as four big built men tried to cram themselves into one hug with me.

"Naw!" Nick made a big fuss, ruffling Eric's hair in the process. They made me laugh, but their brotherly behaviour always did. Kit stood back with his arms crossed and as I looked at him he had a huge smile on his face and shook his head at his brothers.

"Don't go crushing my bird, you big fools. Get off of her!" he eventually said playfully.

"Right, I reckon we should hold a party to celebrate," Jason said.

"No. Not after the last one," Kit said, and I had to agree.

"No disrespect but that wasLilly'sparty, not ours."

"Is throwing a party a good idea after everything that's happened?" Nick asked.

"With a house full of off-duty masked Delta men? Yeah, I think it'll probably be the safest place to be…" Jason replied.

"You wanna throw a party to celebrate me finally leaving you?" Kit asked.

"Actually," Jason moved his stance, "I was gonna suggest celebrating the fact you're only moving across the road and not too far away from us, but that works too."

"Plus, the fact that you've managed to keep Eve long enough to buy her a house."

I bit my lip and smiled at their brotherly banter.

"But, again, whatever works for you," Jason added.

We each chuckled and Kit pulled Jason into a hug, making sure to ruffle his head once he had him in a chokehold.

"You sure you wanna do this?"

"It's just a party, Kit," I answered as the music turned on downstairs.

"Yeah, and look how the last one ended."

I nodded, being reminded of Lilly and why she couldn't come tonight. It was probably for the best. Her being near Nick never did go well. Instead, she was attending one of her client's weddings. It had been two days since Kit had shown me the house and the day before Lilly had taken a tour of it with me. Despite helping Kit with my photography gear she hadn't seen the house.

Our house.

It still hadn't sunk in that we had our own house. It didn't sit fantastically that I was living in a house that I'd paid absolutely nothing towards but I planned to change that as early as possible.

"If it gets too much at all, we leave okay?" Kit asked, brushing his hand against my bump. I nodded and ran my hands down my dress. I'd gone with a one-shoulder dress. The bottom of the dress ended just before my knees and it was all a weightless offish cream colour. Without Lilly here to do my hair, I settled on a side plait but left my side fringe and a few loose strands hanging. Once my makeup was complete, I met Kit back in the bedroom and admired how hot he looked. He'd kept it pretty casual in jeans and a black t-shirt but he still looked so bloody good.

"I'd better keep a hold on you tonight, in case someone tries to take you away," I commented.

"I was just thinking the same thing, Blondie," he answered and I scoffed.

Kit challenged me once I'd scoffed, raising his eyebrows at me as he came closer.

"I'm lucky pretty much all of the guys here are from Delta... Saying that, some people here won't be so no mentioning it."