"Let go of me, you bastard!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that sweetie. You're about to murder my little brother," Jason replied. Holding me very calmly around the waist, he was careful not to inflict too much pressure around my stomach.

"I'm doing more than that, I'm burying the cunt!"

I heard Kit roar as he glared over at me. Lilly then stood in front of me protectively.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" he demanded, trying to look around her at me.

Kit was holding his face in his palm, I'd just full-on punched him and my hand hurt so badly I held onto it and crunched my face in pain. Jason lowered me to the floor, asking me if I was okay.

"You piece of fucking..." I swore I'd kill Kit and tried smacking him again.

It would need to be the other cheek though because he was still holding his left cheek like a baby.Some fucking boxer, I thought as Jason, Kit's older brother lifted me into the air again.

"Don't look surprised, Kit, it's obvious why she's just punched you. And rightly so. My fist is twitching just seeing your face, player." Lilly said, clenching her fist to her side.

"Put me down!" I yelled once more at Jason holding me back, and as he did all of his brothers stood on standby.

"Are all of you like this? Just a set of unloyal bastards?” Lilly asked whilst searching each of their faces.

Each of the brothers looked as equally confused, but that comment set off all of their faces like thunder.

"Lilly, don't make this about us," Nick then said to her and I saw the hurt coating Lilly's face and wondered what the hell that remark had meant.

We had both agreed not to talk about her and Nick, and the not knowing was killing me. Perhaps her not knowing the real deal between me and Kit was destroying her too.

"Eve, you best tell me what the fuck that was for, and now," Kit glared at me.

* * *

The last fewmonths with Kit Carson had been the most fucked up, mental months of my life. That was saying a lot, since only just over a year ago my parents, brother and I had been kidnapped. They were murdered that night, right in front of me. Unaware of why it had happened, I'd spent the last year warding off unwanted visitors into my life. Then this guy, Kit fucking Carson, came into my life and unraveled everything. Everything I swore was set in stone. That being that I wouldn't let anyone in, that I wouldn't allow anyone new into my life that I could potentially lose. Now, I stood before him pregnant with our baby, with so much hurt surrounding my chest that I feared I may be sick as it mixed with pure hatred. He'd broken my fucking heart, again.

"Get out of the way," Kit told Lilly as he came towards me, but she stood like a wall concreted into the floor.

I wasn't expecting Kit to glare down at her. She was nothing compared to his size but she still stood with her arms pinned to her sides, her fists ready to batter him in the face.

"Get out of my way," Kit spoke through gritted teeth.

"Don't you dare speak to her like that!" I said whilst gently moving Lilly to a side so that I could face up to him.

Shaking his head in disbelief Kit looked around, we were still in the front garden of his house and despite it being the weekend there weren’t many passers-by to see our confrontation. To my shock, he took my hand and his brothers moved out of the way so he could pull me inside.

"Eve?" Lilly called after me.

"She'll be fine," I heard Jax say as each of them followed us into the house.

Kit was attempting to take me upstairs but I was having none of it. No way was I goingtherewith him. I saw the look on his face and dared him to push me further, he was lucky I was even allowing this at all. But I deserved answers, andnow.

Kit cursed under his breath and then pulled me with him through a side door leading to the other side of the house. He closed the door before leading me through another door to the game room. Inside a huge pool table sat in the center, and beanbags were positioned before a huge TV that occupied numerous consoles. Around the edges of the room amusement style game stands had been placed against the walls. I'd been in this room before but only briefly. It was probably the second most used room in the house. The first being the gym. These brothers were constantly in the gym, so much so that they had converted a whole room into their private gym.

"Right, let's sort this the fuck outnow," Kit said after locking the door.

I wondered why a room like this even had a lock.

"Why have you locked the door?" I asked.

"Because I don't want anyone disturbing us, definitely not your crazy friend."