Page 23 of Laura's Safe Haven

Owen crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. “Really?”

“Isaac works for Mayor Metcalf. Likes to rub it in everyone’s face he has an in with such a high-profile figure in the community.”

Red flashed across Owen’s face and highlighted his chiseled jaw. “If I had a daughter, I’d do whatever I could to keep her safe and away from someone hurting her.”

“Agreed.” The sentiment clenched his stomach muscles. Laura had put her relationship with Isaac behind her, but he was still the father of her child. How could she keep him from getting his hands on the innocent baby?

A flash of protectiveness swept through him—a sudden urge to see Laura and make sure she was safe tightening his muscles. He glanced at his watch and frowned. He’d been in the office forover an hour. Laura and Mrs. Collins should be finished passing out their treats.

“Somewhere you need to be?” Owen asked.

“Kind of,” Cade said, scratching his chin. “Laura should be here by now. Let me call and find out where she is. Can you give me a minute?”

“Yeah, sure. No problem.”

Cade circled back to his desk and grabbed his phone then called Laura. The line rang in his ear, increasing an impending sense of dread, until it went to voicemail. He disconnected and threw it on the desk. “Shit.”


“She didn’t answer. With everything that’s going on, I don’t like the thought of her walking around town alone. Something seems off.”

“Then let’s go.” Owen reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys.

“Excuse me?”

“Well, if we need to find her, it’ll be easier with two of us. I’ll drive.”

Not needing any more encouragement, he shoved what he needed in his pocket and followed Owen outside. He was probably overreacting. Laura and Mrs. Collins had probably gotten caught up chatting and lost track of time.

But a nagging feeling in his gut told him Laura was in trouble and he couldn’t get to her fast enough.

Fear fisted Laura’s throat.She tightened her grip on the shopping bag and glanced around. The sidewalks were empty. No traffic chugged along the quiet streets.

“Doing a little shopping?” Isaac took a step forward, pushing into her personal space.

She stepped back. Needing as much distance from him as she could get. “What are you doing here? Are you following me?”

He laughed, the sound raising the hairs on her arms. “Seriously? Don’t you think I have more important things to do?”

She knew better than to answer the question. No matter what she said he’d find a way to twist her words. To make it sound like she was the crazy one.

“Since you’re too selfish to ask, I’ll go ahead and tell you what I was doing. I was at the bakery and spied you walking over to this cheap shop. Thought I’d come over and say hello. We have a lot to figure out.” He dropped his gaze to her stomach and smiled.

She crossed her bump with her arms. “There’s nothing to figure out. We have nothing to talk about. I just want you to stay away from me.”

He pressed in closer, pinning her against the side of the building. “Not a chance in hell. I’ve let you make your point—throw a little tantrum and run away like a little brat. But enough is enough. Come home and we can start preparing for our baby.”

“I already told you. You will never be near my child.”

A familiar snarl twisted Isaac’s mouth. He shot out his hand and gripped the back of her neck, putting his face inches from hers. “You’ll never be rid of me. I have rights. I will enforce them. And if you make this difficult, I will ruin you.”

She winced at the pain as he squeezed harder. Laura balled up her hand and knocked on the glass behind her, praying someone inside would see and come to her rescue.

“What the hell are you doi—”

The door swung open, the bell chiming, and cut off the rest of Isaac’s words. “Can I help you with something?” Elsie stood inthe doorway wielding a broom in her hand like a weapon. “I’m not sure my store has anything you’d be interested in, but I’d be more than happy to tell you where you can go.”

Isaac loosened his grip on Laura’s neck, looping his arm to hook around her shoulders. He tried to pull her to his side, but she refused to be moved.