
Everything is all set for our brand-new place in Summerville.

We didn't bother with a big wedding—not yet, anyway. We plan on having a big event after the baby's born, a big party with all the fancy clothes we want. Instead, we eloped with only our closest friends and family in attendance.

And now, we're here.

I bought Sophia a beautiful house near the hospital so we'll be ready when the baby comes. It's got enough bedrooms so we can grow our family...and so she can have a workspace of her own.

But there's just one more thing I need to show her before we get there.

She frowns, looking out the window with curiosity as we pass by our turn for our new subdivision. "Uh...Ryan?" she says. "I think you missed it."

I smile mischievously, my eyes fixed on the road as I navigate through the familiar streets of Summerville. "Don't worry, Sophia," I reply, my voice filled with anticipation. "We're just taking a little detour."

Her frown deepens, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "A detour? But I thought we were going to see our new house?"

I glance at her, unable to contain my excitement any longer. "We will, darlin'," I assure her, reaching out to squeeze her hand gently. "But first, there's something else I want to show you."

Curiosity sparks in her eyes, and a hint of a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. With newfound intrigue, she settles back against the plush leather seat and allows herself to be carried away.

It's one of the things I love about her—how she's always up for any adventure. And I can't wait to start this particular adventure with her.

I turn on Summerville's quaint Main Street, Sophia glancing over at me with a smile. "Are we getting lunch first?" she asks. "Because baby and I are starving..."

"No, but we can get lunch after," I laugh. "Just hold your horses—I want it to be a surprise."

I pull over towards the end of the street and turn the car off, and I can tell she's already starting to put the pieces together. The last time we were here, we walked by this old building, and she fantasized about setting it up as a shop. Now, there's no 'For Sale' sign outside, and a man standing by the door with a briefcase.

Sophia meets my eyes.

"You didn't," she whispers.

"I did."


She inhales sharply, covering her mouth. "I can't talk to you, or I'm going to cry," she says quietly.

"Then let's stop talking and meet up with the realtor instead," I grin.

We step out of the car, hand in hand with Tex trotting along beside Sophia, the anticipation radiating between us. The warm sun bathes us in its golden glow, casting a halo around Sophia's radiant figure and the gentle swell of her belly. Her eyes, shimmering with unshed tears of joy, meet mine, and I know that all the hard work and planning were worth it.

She's going to do something amazing with this place. Even though it was hard keeping the purchase a secret, I'm so glad I made this happen for her.

The realtor, a middle-aged man with a polished appearance, greets us with a smile as we approach the entrance of the old building. "You must be Mr. Wright?" he says. "Your parents had glowing reviews of your craftsmanship—I might just have to hire your company for some work now that you're relocating."

"That's me," I say. "And this is my wife, Sophia."

He extends his hand towards Sophia. "Congratulations," he says warmly. "You must be the lucky lady who will turn this place into something magical."

Sophia shakes his hand with a mixture of excitement and disbelief. "I... I can't believe this is happening," she stammers. "You bought me a bridal boutique? Ryan—you shouldn't have."

I squeeze her hand reassuringly and turn to the realtor. "Thank you for helping us make this dream come true," I say gratefully. "We've always envisioned Sophia having her own shop, and when we saw this old building, we just knew it was the perfect opportunity. I'm just glad it was still on the market."

The realtor nods. "Well...it was actually my mother's dress-making shop years ago," he says. "I wanted to make sure it ended up in the right hands—and what better way to honor her memory than to sell the building to an up-and-coming seamstress and designer."

Sophia bites her lip. "I'll make sure to do just that."