But eventually, the night must come to an end.

As the last of the guests filter out, I linger in the club, taking it all in one last time. The rich decor of the club, the scent of whiskey and expensive cologne. The corners where me and the employees would sit after closing, enjoying one last glass of whatever was on tap. I learned so much here, grew, changed—and now, I'm saying goodbye.

Ryan comes up beside me, his arm sliding around my shoulders to pull me in and kiss the top of my head. I drape my arm around his waist, leaning into his warmth.

"You were sitting right there the first time I ever saw you," I murmur.

He looks down at me in surprise. "What?"

I point at one of the corner booths, biting my lip. "You and Gavin Sterling, talking about some real estate project he wanted you to lead. Renovations on his house upstate, maybe—I'm not exactly sure. You smiled at me, and I think...I knew right then and there. Because I thought about you all the time after that."

He hums. "I remember that night."

"You do?"

"Of course I do," he says. "You don't forget the moment when a girl as pretty as you returns your smile."

I blush, ducking my head. "Stop it."

He chuckles, lifting my chin with a finger. "I mean it, Sophia. You've always been beautiful to me."

I smile, feeling my heart swell with happiness. "I love you."

"I know," he says, leaning down to kiss me softly. "And I love you too."

We stand there for a moment, wrapped up in each other's arms before a sudden thought occurs to me.

"Hey, Ryan?"


"Do you think...do you think we could maybe come back here someday?"

He looks at me curiously. "Back here?"

"To visit," I clarify. "I mean, I know it won't be the same, but...I just can't imagine never seeing this place again."

He strokes my hair, laughing softly. "Of course, we'll come back. I wouldn't dare take you away from this place and all your friends for good."

Relief floods through me at his words, and I lean up to kiss him again, this time with more passion and more urgency. I want to savor this moment…imprint it into my memory forever.

As we break apart, Ryan takes my hand, leading me towards the door. "Come on. Let's go home."

I smile, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder about the future. Summerville may be a new adventure, but it's one that I'm ready to embark on with Ryan by my side.

And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll return to the White Oak Society, and I'll see that big banner with my name in sparkling letters again. We'll still be around—but as members now, not staff. I don't know if I can imagine coming here and not working but after all this time...I guess that's where I should be.

But for now, I'm content to soak up the love and warmth of the family I've made here and look forward to the new memories that await me in my next chapter.

A new chapter with Ryan.

With our baby.

Another town, another life.

My happily ever after.

Chapter thirty-one