And I'm already past my prime when it comes to finding the love of my life.

Chapter twenty-three


We spend a few quiet days puttering around Ryan's parents' house, mostly staying in and spending time with the two of them. I listen as Ryan talks on the phone with his siblings—as he chastises them for canceling trips and for not coming sooner.

I get to see how good of a son he is...and I wish he didn't have so many doubts about being a father. He was made to have a family of his own, I'm sure of it.

...and my period is late.

And I can't bring myself to tell him.

Two more days pass like that and I call Bryn to tell her I'm going to be gone just a bit longer. We sit down for breakfast with Ryan's parents, Ike and Anita, and we're all excited when Ike manages to walk himself out of the bedroom and to the kitchen table, Westley at his side the whole way.

The dog sits beside him and rests his head on his knee as we settle in.

"Good to see you up and moving again, Dad," Ryan says with an encouraging smile.

"Yeah...about that," he says. "You know you two don't have to spend all day, every day, keeping an eye on me."

"That's what I'm here for," Anita adds, smiling and reaching out to squeeze her husband's hand.

I smile along with everyone else, but my mind is elsewhere. I'm so preoccupied with my late period that I barely touch my breakfast, and I eventually get up to do the dishes rather than sitting in silence. Ryan is too busy helping his dad to notice, but Anita does, and she follows me over to the sink. She puts a hand on my arm as Ryan and Ike fall into comfortable conversation.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" she asks. "You look worried."

"Just...thinking about having to go back home," I say. "I have to admit I don't ever want to leave."

"Summerville is a really wonderful town," Anita nods. "Have you spoken with Ryan about that?"

"About what?"

She lowers her voice. "About staying."

I bite my leap and heave a deep sigh. "I'm not sure if that's where our relationship is headed."

Anita glances over her shoulder to make sure the men aren't listening. "Sophia," she says. "I haven't seen Ryan like this with anyone but his ex—ever—and even then, I don't think he cared for her the way he cares for you. I love seeing my son happy...and I'll tell you right now, I would certainly give him a talking to if he gave that up."

"We're just at different places in our lives," I say with a sad smile.

"Then talk to him," she says. "Tell him how you feel. I raised him to be a good listener."

She turns around and puts her hands on her hips.

"Ryan, how about you take Sophia out to explore town today?" she says. "Weather's nice enough that you could meanderaround, see the sights...check out everything that Summerville has to offer."

"Are you sure you don't need any help around here?" Ryan asks.

Anita laughs. "I can take care of my husband just fine on my own," she says. "You two go and have fun."

It's a beautiful Saturday morning as we drive to downtown Summerville. We park on one of the side streets in the old part of town and begin to wander. The streets are full of people out enjoying the sunshine and taking advantage of shops that have been around since neither of us was born.

I'm especially taken with one of the buildings on Main Street, an old Victorian-style house that has been converted into a now-closed shop, with a FOR RENT sign in the window. It looks run-down from the outside, but I can tell there is potential for something special here, especially the huge picture window right beside the front door. Ryan comes up beside me and takes my hand, smiling down at me.

"I can see the lightbulbs flashing behind those gorgeous eyes," he says quietly. "What are you thinking about?"
