It's so beautiful here—I can understand why Ryan wants to move back. We crest a hill, and the house comes into view, taking my breath away. It's a simple place, two stories, and not particularly big, but to me, it's perfect. Painted a bright and happy yellow and surrounded by towering trees, the garden out front is filled with shrubs that I'm sure transform into beautiful flowers when they're in season. I can't take my eyes off the house, biting my lip.

"You like it?" Ryan asks.

"Oh, yes," I breathe. "It's gorgeous."

Ryan doesn't say anything else, and I glance over to find him frowning as we slow to a stop in front of the house.

"What is it?" I ask. "You okay?"

He looks at me, and it's like...I don't know. I can't tell what's on his mind when he's usually an open book, and his reaction scares me as much as it excites me.

"Just overwhelmed," he finally says. "Let's head in."

We get out of the car, and Tex leaps out, wagging his tail and heading straight to the door. I can hear dogs barking inside, and I see the face of a golden retriever appear in the window. Before we can even step foot on the front porch, the door opens and the dogs rush out, along with a man with grey hair and a kind smile.

"Hey, Craig!" Ryan says, waving his hand from where he's grabbing our bags. "Came to take over for ya."

"Ryan!" Craig says, walking down the porch and coming over to hug him. "Shit, made it here fast. Didn't expect you until later tonight."

"We left at the crack of dawn," Ryan says. "Craig, this is Sophia. Sophia, Craig..."

"Hi," I smile, and I step forward to find that Craig is more than happy for a hug as well. Ryan's whole family are huggers, it seems...and I love that.

I could see myself being a part of this family—one of the Wrights.

It's terrifying.

"Glad you could make it out with him," Craig says. "He's a softie, and I'm sure he could use the emotional support."

"I'm more than happy to provide it," I say. "Can I meet the dogs?"

Craig chuckles. "Well...I think they're distracted with their little buddy here, but they're friendly. Wes and Buttercup are just as big of softies as Ryan here."

"Cut it out, man," Ryan chides with a laugh. "Wes! Buttercup!"

The dogs snap their heads up at that and run over to us. I kneel and get a face full of sloppy dog kisses, and I laugh at their wagging tails. Tex inserts himself between us like he's trying to remind the goldens that I'm his person, and I reach down to pet him, too.

"Yes, Tex, I haven't forgotten about you," I laugh.

Craig leads us inside, and the dogs follow us in, their paws clacking on the hardwood floors. As we step into the house, I'm struck by the coziness of it all. The living room is filled with comfortable-looking couches and armchairs and an unlit fireplace at the center of the room. Everything is decorated in a rustic, country style that screams warmth and comfort.

"This is amazing," I breathe, looking around in wonder.

"Yeah, it's great," Ryan agrees, setting our bags down by the door. "Feels like home."

Craig claps him on the shoulder. "I presume you're here to take over for me—and I just heard from your mom," he says. "The doctors are saying your dad can come home tomorrow."

Ryan exhales heavily. "Thank god."

"We really thought he was going to be worse...but it looks like he's already out of the woods," Craig says. "Look—I've gotta go take care of the horses, and the wife is eager to have me home. There are ingredients in the fridge for a few simple dinners, or you can always order something from the pizza place downtown...but I guess you know the drill. You got it covered here?"

Ryan nods. "Yeah, we'll be fine. Thanks, Craig."

"Of course, man," Craig says with a smile. "Sophia, it was great meeting you. Make yourself at home."

"Thanks, Craig," I say with a smile, watching as he heads out the door.

Ryan turns to me, and I can see the worry in his eyes. "My dad's going to be alright."