I shrug. "It was just...more convenient that way. I was pretty fucked up after the breakup, and I needed to organize everything."

"You've always been like that," she laughs softly. "I remember when I first moved away for college, walking in to say goodbye and finding you alphabetizing your CD collection..."

"I was pretty ridiculous," I chuckle.

"It's cute," she says.

We both stand there for a few seconds, not quite sure what to do. I finally break the silence by pointing to Tex, who is curled up in a ball in the corner.

"Why don't you give him some love while I look through the stuff?" I say.

Amanda smiles and bends down to scratch behind Tex's ears. "He was always my favorite," she says fondly.

I smile back at her as I start digging through the boxes of books and clothes. And as we talk about our lives since we last saw each other, it's almost like nothing ever happened between us—like we never broke up. We talk about how things have changed, what our families are up to these days, and all the projects Amanda has been working on since she got a new job here in New York.

"I see signs for your company around town sometimes," she says. "It always makes me think I should call...and then I never do."

I hum. "I get it. This was...well, it was hard. I know you didn't ever want to hurt me—"

"But I did," she says. "And I ruined your life."

"I wouldn't say that."

"Then what would you say?"

I tug on my beard. "I would say...I came here for a reason. I just had to have a little pain along the way."

We both go quiet for a minute, and I take the opportunity to reach down and start petting Tex. He's been my constant companion these days, ever since Amanda left. He must sense that something important is going on because he stays very still.

Amanda smiles sadly. "Sometimes things don't work out even though two people have good intentions," she says softly. "And that's...well, it's awful but true. But it sounds like you finally figured out your reason?"

I smile, and my cheeks flush. "Yeah...in a girl half my age."

Amanda smirks. "So shewasinto you."

"Is," I correct her. "She's been spending the night ever since you suggested I say something."

"I guess I should add matchmaker to my resume," Amanda laughs. "Good. Sophia seems like a charming person."

"Amanda," I sigh. "I would really like to be friends again. You were the closest person in my life. It had felt wrong without you."

"You think you could handle it?"

I nod. "No offense, but I think I'm over you."

She snorts. "None taken."

"And I'm not expecting anything from you," I add. "I know our relationship was...bad."

Amanda shakes her head. "We weren't a good match," she says. "We had some nice moments, but the overall experience was terrible."

"So we should be able to be friends?" I say.

"We made it work once," Amanda says. "We can probably make it work again."

I smile at her. "I'd like that."

"Me too," she says. "And I want to know all about Sophia."