"One of the ladies at the foster home I landed in," I shrug. "I got put on kitchen duty a lot because I was one of the older kids.

But I liked it, so I started paying attention and learning."

Ryan nods thoughtfully. "I like that about you," he says. "You're resourceful."

I turn to him, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Thank you," I say softly, feeling like he really sees me. "That means a lot."

We settle into a comfortable silence as I finish up the sauce and start rolling meatballs. Ryan takes over cooking the spaghetti, and we work together seamlessly like we've done this a hundred times before. Tex lies at our feet, looking up at us with soulful eyes, his tail thumping against the floor.

I make sure to give him one of the meatballs before we sit down for dinner ourselves.

He earned the treat since, in a way, the dog brought us together.

Once I'm dishing out the food, Ryan brings the wine to the dining table. I glance up when he doesn't come back, only to find him browsing through a shelf of records. I had noticed the record player when I came here for the first time, but I didn't know if it was usable—and I had somehow missed the shelf.

"How do you feel about Miles Davis?" Ryan asks, his green eyes meeting mine.

"Classic," I say. "I... well, I didn't know you were into records, though I guess I should've assumed from the record player. And jazz?"

"What about jazz?" Ryan snorts.

"I guess I figured you more for a country guy," I blush.

"You would be correct," he says. "You really can't beat some good old Johnny Cash or Willie Nelson. No... I got into jazz when Amanda and I broke up. She left; I needed something to do that didn't remind me of her, so I started frequenting a record store a few blocks away."

I pick up both of our plates to join him at the table. "You keep surprising me, Mr. Wright."

"Speak for yourself," he smiles.

He pours a fresh glass of pinot and sits at the table, each of us in a corner. I can feel Tex by my feet, and I resist the urge to slip him another meatball, knowing that human food can't be good for him.

"So... you’ve been a restaurant manager, a designer, a seamstress, a cook," he says. "Any other jobs I should know about?"

I blush, my cheeks hot with embarrassment as I consider telling him. "Hm... maybe."

He leans forward, his knee knocking against mine slightly. "The way you said that means I have to know."

I take a sip of my wine and lick my lips as I put it down. "I was actually a dancer—only for a little while."

"A dancer...?"

I laugh. "A stripper, Ryan."

His jaw drops, and his eyebrows go up. A meatball falls from his fork and lands in his pasta with a splat. "Oh."

"Do you have a problem with that...?"

"Not at all," he shakes his head. "It just...brought some interesting pictures to mind."

I bite my lip and lean on my elbows, smirking slightly. "What kind of pictures?"

"Pictures that aren't remotely appropriate for the dinner table," he says. "So, I guess you used the pole and everything?"

"That's usually how it goes," I giggle. "I haven't pole danced in a few years, but I bet it would come back fast. Maybe I could show you sometime."

He chokes on his wine, sputtering slightly.

"Too much?" I tease.