"Yeah, so you should have everything you need," I say, taking her into the kitchen. "I haven't had a house sitter before, so I may have gone a little overboard. I bought a bunch of snacks, and I didn't know what you like, so..."

She opens the fridge without ceremony, and her eyes widen. "Everything. Nailed it. I like everything."

I chuckle, relieved that I at least got one thing right. "Good to know. Feel free to help yourself to anything. And there's a TV in the living room, with streaming services if you want to watch anything."

She nods, grabbing a container of strawberries from the fridge. "Sorry, I'm famished."

"No problem," I say. "That's why I got them."

"Oh!" she says. "One more thing—because I know I'll be kicking myself if I don't ask—where do you keep spare toilet paper? I know it's not exactly glamorous, but I've had to buy my own too many times when I can't find where the homeowner squirreled it away..."

"Yeah, that's upstairs," I laugh. "I'll show you."

She pops a strawberry in her mouth, then leaves the rest behind as we climb the spiral staircase. Tex follows us up, his collar jingling and his tail wagging the whole way.

"Bathroom's there, as you already know," I say. "And extra supplies are all in this cabinet right here..."

I open the cabinet doors and show her, and Sophia's brows shoot up at the box of condoms in clear view.

I slam the doors shut again, and she clears her throat.

"That was—uh, sorry," I mutter.

"It's fine," she laughs. "I respect a man who comes prepared."

I can feel my face flush, and then she starts to blush too. "That was not supposed to be a pun...fuck me, ah shit; that wasn't supposed to be one either."

"They're probably expired, given how long it's been since I've used one..." I wince as soon as the words leave my mouth. "And you did not need to know that."

"Let's just call it here," she chuckles. "I know where the toilet paper is...and the condoms…if I have anyone over."

I do a double-take, and she raises her hands.

"I'm kidding, Ryan. For what it's worth, all my condoms are probably expired, too."

I let out a relieved laugh, grateful for her attitude. "Good to know I'm not the only one."

Sophia smiles, her eyes sparkling. "Nope, you're not alone."

We stand in silence for a moment, the air between us charged with an unspoken tension. She licks her lips, and I can't help but notice the slide of her tongue over the soft pink flesh, wet and…

I clear my throat, trying to ease the moment. "So, is there anything else you need me to go over? Or are you good?"

She shakes her head, her smile still present. "Nope, I think I've got it. You headed out?"

I nod. "In a bit. I've got to finish packing, then I'll get out of your hair."

We leave the bathroom, and I go back to packing my things and stashing all necessary clothes and supplies in a duffel bag. Sophia sits down in an armchair in the corner, and Tex hops into her lap like he belongs there. They both look so perfectly at home that the scene makes my heart ache. That chair...I bought it in the first place, thinking Amanda and I might use it on late nights when we had a kid.

Fuck, I'm a sad, lonely asshole.

"So where are you off to anyway?" Sophia says, breaking the silence. "I didn't even ask."

"Salem," I say. "The lady who commissioned the threshold, Delia, has some work she needs to be done, and I'm drawing up the plans for it and bringing some guys in."

"And you'll be gone two nights?"

"More or less."