"You're practically glowing when you talk about him," she says. "It's obvious that you like him."
"I... I don't know," I say, feeling flustered. "I mean, he's a handsome guy…but we're really different. It's not like I'm looking for anything."
"Speaking of which, when was the last time you even dated?" Madison says. "I feel like I've known you for a couple of years now, and I can't think of a single ex."
I shake my head. "Alden and I were on and off for a bit, but it was more a hookup situation than anything else. I've been so busy that I don't think about dating...and on that note, if everyone is done, we can move over to the rack, yeah? I've got lots of new stuff to show you guys."
Madison nods. "Sounds good, but don't let yourself think you're off the hook. I absolutely want to keep talking about Ryan."
I groan but can't help the smile that tugs at the corner of my lips. It's not like I don't want to talk about him—because I do. I want to dissect every little thing about him in a bid to understand him better.
But I can't help the fear that's lurking in the back of my mind. Fear that I would be breaking my own rules.
Fear that he might leave as soon as I start to feel something.
...which is absurd because I haven't started anything.
As we make our way over to the rack, I try to shake off the thoughts that are plaguing me. I want to focus on the moment to enjoy the company of my friends without worrying about things that might not even come to pass.
"So, I guess you had to have just been with him this morning?" Kylie asks. "Did you get to meet his dog? His dog is adorable, isn't he?"
"Yeah," I nod. "I'm actually going to be housesitting for him later this week."
"Does he have a nice place?" Bryn asks.
"Oh yeah—minimalist, beautifully appointed renovated warehouse space near the White Oak," I say. "And Tex is just wonderful."
"Already on a first-name basis with the dog, I see," Bryn says.
"Shut up," I tease. "You're just mad because you're the only one without a silver fox of your own."
"Hey, I could bag any one of the guys at the White Oak if I was interested," Bryn says. "I'm playing the field. Leave me out of the gold rush."
Madison snorts. "Okay, okay...but Sophia, you have to promise to tell us everything if something happens."
"Nothing's going to happen," I say. "He's going out of town; I'll be at his house alone. I don't know what you guys think this means."
"You'll be sleeping in his bed," Kylie says, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Not with him there."
"But he's clearly interested," Madison adds.
"Is he?"
"On that, Madison and I can agree," Bryn says. "He must be into you. Like...when we're working, he's sneaking glances at you whenever he can."
"How romantic," Kylie sighs.
"I thought it was pretty spooky," Bryn says.
I can feel my cheeks heating up at the thought of Ryan looking at me that way. Sure, I've caught him looking at me before, but I always attributed it to him simply being friendly. Now, I can't help but wonder if there's more to his subtle glances.
"Well, even if he is interested, I don't know if I'm ready for anything like that," I say, trying to downplay the situation.
"And that's totally fine," Madison says, draping an arm around my shoulder. "We're just looking out for you. You deserve to be happy, you know."
I nod, feeling a little overwhelmed by their support. It's not often that I let my guard down enough to talk about my personal life with anyone, but these girls have become my closest friends—and they know the weird dynamics of the White Oak and how it feels to like someone who's supposedly way out of your age range.