As Ryan heads outside with Tex, I gather my things. The pain in my arm is dull, but it's still there, a constant reminder of the night before. I let out a small sigh, trying to shake off the feeling of vulnerability that's been with me since the attack. But as I lookaround Ryan's apartment, I can't help but feel safe here. It's cozy and warm, and it's clear that Ryan takes care of his apartment.

Just like he took care of me.

I've met a lot of rich, powerful men at the White Oak. They've flirted...I've turned them down. I've had numerous opportunities to take advantage of my position to transform my life.

But I've never taken one offer because I've never felt anything for those men.

Until now.

I jerk my head up when Ryan comes back in, Tex trotting alongside him. "We can head out whenever you're ready," he says. "You mind if Tex comes along?"

I smile. "Not at all," I say.

The faster I get out of this apartment, the better.

Because I'm falling for Ryan Wright.

Chapter five


There are certain perks to running a boutique out of your home and having many rich friends—namely, you can sell them your clothes under the guise of having them over for a girls' night.

The night after the mugging, I have Bryn, Madison, and Kylie over to look at some of my new pieces. It's hard to get my apartment ready when it's usually such a mess, cluttered with vintage clothes and sewing supplies, rolls of fabric…the works. My arm aches as I clean up, but I try to push my attack out of my mind, so I can get in the zone for fun.

Or...what I guess is fun.

My conversation with Ryan yesterday sticks with me, though—asking how many jobs I have and if I ever do anything for fun. And I start to I? Even tonight, my goal is to make some money. Sure, I like Kylie and Madison...but they want to buy clothes from me, and it's one of the reasons I'm having them over.

Is there something wrong with me?

Bryn is the first to arrive, a smile on her face and a bottle of rosé in her hands. She frowns when she sees my wrapped arm, walking past me to put the wine on the kitchen counter.

"What happened?" she asks. "You didn't have that last time I saw you at the White Oak."

I blow out a breath. "Boy, do I have a story for you...but I'm sure Kylie and Madison will want to know, so I'll wait."

"Can you give me the spark notes version?"

"Mugged, I'm fine, he didn't get anything, but he did cut me..." I say with a grimace.

"Sophia, what the hell?!"

Another knock comes at the door and I walk over to let in Madison and Kylie, who have a bag full of Italian takeout that smells downright heavenly. Madison shoots me a look with a clear question about what's going on with my bandaged arm, and I laugh.

"Bryn already asked; let's dig in and drink some wine, and I'll tell you guys everything," I say, shaking my head.

But Bryn interrupts. "Um, she was fucking mugged and has decided it's not that interesting."

"You were mugged?" Madison says from where she's opening up a container of chicken marsala, a piece of garlic bread already in her mouth.

"Yes...okay, fine," I say. "Bryn, can you pour the wine? I need a drink for this."

I start the story off with a description of a typical night at the White Oak last night—kicking Ryan out at closing, everyone else taking off, locking up. We sit down for dinner as I get to the part about the mugging, and Kylie covers her mouth, her eyes wide.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you picked up the knife," she says.

"Yeah, Sophia's can be a little scary," Bryn laughs.