Page 56 of Thoroughly Pucked

My fingers hover over the keys. I’m not sure if I want to confess. I mean, what happens in the woods stays in the woods, right? I’m also in a different situation than they are. They’re both ensconced happily in their committed throuples.

Aubrey: I’m sorry, but was there a question?

Ivy: Yes, how is everything going? We wanted to know how you’re doing.

Trina: Are you having fun? Are you getting to do all the things you really want to do? The things Aiden wouldn’t do?

Oh. They weren’t even asking about sex. I just went there in my head. They’re asking about me, my heart, my soul. Of course they are, because they’re my girls, and two days ago I was left at the altar.

Aubrey: I feel…okay. And I mean the good kind of okay not the meh kind.

Ivy: The kind of okay that’s said upbeat :)

Trina: Okay, like it’s a nice surprise to be okay!

They get me. They always have.

Aubrey: Yes, exactly. Though, it’s more than that. I feel good. We went for a hike today, and tomorrow we’re going to a ghost town, and it feels like…

I stop, pause, look at the words I’m typing. Then, screw it. I add exactly what I’m feeling.

Aubrey: It feels like the wedding that didn’t happen was a lifetime ago.

Ivy: That’s great!!

Trina: Good. You deserve good things, my friend.

I don’t know if anyone deserves anything. Life has a way of delivering what it wants when it wants. But so far, this honeymoon hasbeen a very good thing.

Aubrey: And I suppose I should get ready for dinner. Which brings me to my question. What do I wear, my scrappy little fashionista friend?

Ivy: Something that makes you feel sexy. Like, say, that cute, pleated skirt we found for you at Champagne Taste. The one that’s purple and black plaid. Black lace stockings if it’s not too hot. You have the best legs. So show them off.

A skirt does make me feel good, especially that one with its schoolgirl vibes—innocent but also…not.

I say goodbye to my girls, then shower, and get ready for dinner.

As I’m getting dressed, I keep myself busy with a playlist. I scroll through some of my options, finding one from Briar, since she’s the queen of playlists. She has one for when she needs to kick ass, one for when she wants to unwind, and one for when she has to deal with a cantankerous person. I find one she shared called It’s Not A Season—It’s A Lifestyle. That feels apropos, so I text her that I’m listening to it now.

She replies instantly.

Briar: Because you’re the best year-round! Also, you and your birthday wishes are so cute. I love them. I have so much to tell you when I see you in two weeks for a blowout. Well, a blowout and therapy.

Aubrey: I’m all about the double-duty hairstyle.

Briar: And I seriously appreciate it.

As I put on some of my silver eyeshadow, I turn to the texts from my family. First, my sister.

Claire: I got the veil from Mom. I will take good care of it. Do you need anything else? Let’s talk when you get back! I want to make sure you’re okay. Also, can you give me Aiden’s address so I can send a couple metric tons of dog shit to him?

Aubrey: What a thoughtful gift.

Then, I turn to my brother’s note.

Garrett: Are my guys taking care of you?

In the best of ways, big brother.