“I’d strip, too, if I wasn’t busy helping this little dude be presentable,” Dev says. He’s kneeling on the floor of my tiny bathroom, scrunched in front of the world’s smallest tub, giving this puppy a bath.
I snap my focus back to the critter.
As I spray the nozzle over the wily guy, who’s maybe fifteen pounds, Dev scrubs some more of my cruelty-free tropical paradise shampoo into the pup’s short-haired coat. The dog was more black and gray when we found him. Now he’s gleaming.
But he’s no fan of getting clean. The little guy whines, then rears up on his back paws, hell-bent on scrambling out of the tub. His black-and-white legs reach the edge, then he hoists himself up and onto Dev’s chest.
The goalie wraps his arms around the sopping wet, soaped-up mutt of all mutts, and hugs the busy boy. “It’s all right. I’ve got you.”
Deep, but soft. Commanding, but caring.
There goes my heart. It thunders as the burly, bearded man embraces the homeless dog and then gently sets him back in the tub. “Let’s just get you rinsed off,” he says to the new guy, and I’m almost too fluttery to focus on the task.
But I manage, spraying the dog till he’s spick and span and both Dev and I are as waterlogged as Ledger. My sweater is dripping. Dev’s burgundy Henley is sticking to his pecs and abs.
When I turn off the water, Ledger snort-laughs at the two of us. “Join the club,” he says, then holds out his arms with a towel draped across them. Dev hands him the dog and Ledger wraps the dry, fluffy towel around the canine. “There you go, buddy,” Ledger coos.
My heart flip-flops again.
Ledger stands and carries the pup out of the cramped bathroom, drying his head, then his belly, then carefully blotting each paw.
I follow him, plucking at my wet sweater.
There’s not much room in my home, and every square inch is filled with wet dog, big men, and me.
After rubbing the towel down the dog’s bony spine one last time, Ledger puts our new companion on the floor. The pup shakes again, leaving a huge circle of water droplets on the tiles.
“How does he have any more water on him?” Ledger sounds amused and a little bit in love.
I get it.
“He was a dirty boy,” Dev says, crouching down and offering the dog a palm for sniffing.
Nervously at first, then boldly, the boy scampers over to Dev, then downward dogs him, shaking his butt, gone from scared to friendly in a few hours.
On the way home with the dog, we’d stopped at a grocery store and grabbed some kibble, a collar, and some dog toys. It’s one a.m., too late to call Little Friends, but I’ll do that in the morning, see if he’s someone’s dog who got out. For now, the pup runs around my kitchen, then barks at the bowl where we fed him earlier.
It’s empty now. “Maybe he’s hoping he can conjure more food into it,” Ledger says.
“He needs a dog butler,” Dev jokes, then looks my way. “He needs a?—”
“Fitzgibbons,” we say in unison.
Dev scratches him under the furry chin and nods to Ledger. “Give this boy some more kibble, will ya?”
Ledger grabs the bag, shakes some nuggets into the ceramic dish with the paw-prints pattern, and thenreturns the bag to the counter while our sleepover guest chows down.
I head to my bedroom to strip off my soaked clothes and tug on some sleep shorts and a cami.
I haven’t technically invited the guys over, and though it seems a fait accompli, I’ve been learning that words are actions. They matter. When I return to the living room, my guys are yawning, so I hook my thumb in the direction of my bedroom. “There’s only one bed here, but I think it can fit all of us.”
Ledger grins. “I bet it can.”
A few minutes later, I’m under the covers with Ledger. Dev’s in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. “Well, looks like you two finagled a sleepover pretty quickly,” I say.
Ledger scoffs. “Don’t put it past us to pull out all the stops to get one. But no, we didn’t plan a dog rescue to get into your bed,” he says, then slides closer to me.
But a dog rescue is doing things to my heart. “How’s your knee? I’ve been wondering. Been thinking about you.”