Page 10 of Saved By Love


Annie took our menus and headed off to another table.

“You must come here often,” I said.

“My cousin Lou owns the place.”

“Oh! Well, that makes sense now. It’s a cute place.”

Aiden looked around the café. “Yeah, she’s worked really hard on it. From the time I could remember, she loved to bake and cook things. It’s in her blood. Her daddy was a chef from France.”

“Wow. Did she go to culinary school?”

“Nah, her father taught her everything she knows. She’d like to open a second restaurant but is afraid to take that jump into owning two places.”

With a nod, I smiled and looked around the small restaurant with fresh eyes. “It would be easier than she thinks. Everything is doable with a well-thought-out plan.”

Aiden stared at me, an expression on his face that screamed he was trying to figure me out. I cleared my throat and stared at the bubbles in my soda.

Eventually, he broke the silence. “So, have you ever done any nanny jobs before?”

“No, but I’m very familiar with being around kids,” I replied. “I was a high school teacher for a few years, and while in college I worked at a preschool. I also volunteered at our church with Bible school and such. I adore kids, though.”

“None of your own?”

I tried to keep a neutral expression on my face, but I was sure a hint of pain flashed over it. “No, not yet. I’d love to have at least one. Someday, if I’m blessed enough.”

He nodded. “Rose only mentioned you were around my age. Do you mind if I ask how old you are, Emma?”

Leaning back in the booth, I tilted my head and smirked. “Only if you mind if I ask you how oldyouare.”

“Fair enough. I’m about to turn thirty-four.”

“I turned thirty-three yesterday.”

“Well, happy belated birthday.”

“Thank you.”

Aiden stared at me again before looking away. He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, as if he were suddenly uncomfortable. Then he turned back to me and looked directly into my eyes.

“Hadley is missing a female figure in her life. She’s a wonderful little girl, and I want what’s best for her. I realized trying to play the role of both mom and dad was starting to take its toll on both of us.” He paused. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking you to step in as her mother. She had awonderfulmother, and my goal is to make sure she never forgets Lisa.”

I nodded and replied, “Of course, I understand.”

“I’ve never lived with another woman besides my wife, so it may be a bit uncomfortable for me to see you in my house. But I don’t want you to think it has anything to do withyou. I need you to understand that going in.”

“Yes, I could totally see how that would be a bit awkward for you.”

He rolled his neck and let out a sigh.

“Aiden, may I ask you a question?”

“Yes. Yes, of course, you can ask as many as you want.”

“What exactly do you see as my role in Hadley’s life, and yours? Do you want me to make breakfast for you both? Dinner? Do you want me present for family game night, those sorts of things? I guess what I’m asking is…howinvolveddo you want me to be? Mrs. Piper didn’t give me a detailed job description, and since I’ve never done this before, I’m in new territory as well. The last thing I want to do is step over any lines that you definitely don’t want crossed.”

His hands rested on the table and he started to rub them together in a nervous manner. “I…I don’t know. How involved do youwantto be?”