Page 9 of Dario

He shook his head. “She is being moved by private ambulance to a secure location, and you will be a little busy for the rest of the day.”

I bit my lip hard and almost flinched as he reached over. I managed to hold it together, even when he tutted and eased my lips out from between my teeth. “From now on,piccolo mio, my teeth will be the only ones that get to bite you.”

I tensed, but it wasn’t fear that provoked my reaction. The throb of arousal that pulsed in my cock made everything heat. His eyes darkened and, unable to handle his knowing glint, I looked away. “Where are we going?”

“I have a suite on the top floor of one of my casinos, but I have a house I think you will enjoy as well.”

Why was he pushing all my buttons? “I don’t need enticing, Dario, you’ve already backed me into a corner.”

When he didn’t reply, I glanced back at him and swallowed. For a moment, he almost looked disappointed, but maybe it was because he didn’t get the overjoyed reaction he’d been expecting. He might have bought my cooperation, but the rest of me wasn’t for sale.

“Are we going to the courthouse?” I imagined he wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

“Of course not. Your father has paid for the wedding. It’s merely the bride that has changed.” He smirked. “Or the groom.”

“You’re joking. I can’t get married like...” But my words trailed off. My mom might have only been a cook, but I had grown up around this life. I knew when statements had to be made.

He nodded, as if sensing my understanding. “I am glad you understand. We are five minutes away from my apartment. Do you have any requests for the ceremony, the day? I am aware none of this was your choice.”

I didn’t know whether to be angry or touched that he was asking. “Such as?”

“I am having the designer bring some suit choices for you to try on, which she will alter if necessary to fit you.” I felt the flush creep up my neck. I knew full well anything Dario had would hardly fit me. Not that I wanted to wear his clothes. “I can alter the music and add to the guest list if there is anyone you wish to have included.”

Tears suddenly sprang to my eyes, and he swore. “I am sorry,piccolo mio, that was thoughtless. I understand that your mamma doesn’t do well in a strange environment, but I could try to have her there.”

I shook my head. Mom would just be distressed, and as she didn’t recognize me anymore, I refused to put her through something like that. And I didn’t have any friends. I hadn’t hadany for over five years. I quickly went over the weddings I had seen on TV. Did I really care?

I quickly changed the subject. “Gianni doesn’t want to be the boss?” This still seemed extreme if what Dario had said to Rocco was true.

His eyes darkened. “Gia is in love. Apart from his choice not meeting the contract terms,la famigliawould never approve.”

“Because she isn’t Italian? Blue-blood Italian,” I asked waspishly.

His lips spread into a slow smile and my balls ached. I shook my head. How was he doing this to me?

“Oh, Jo’s blue-blood all right,” Dario said. “Except the Jo stands for Josephine and she’s Irish. She doesn’t have any direct mob connections, but her Irish roots would never let her be accepted intola famiglia.”

“Good for them,” I whispered, hoping at least someone was happy.

Dario flashed me a smile. “She makes my brother very happy, but they have to appear casual for now.”

I felt a flicker of hope that Dario was trusting me with something so personal, but then something else occurred to me. “Yes, to the extras.” I looked over to find his gaze on me. “I don’t want Rocco to have anything to do with the ceremony. No speeches or anything, and I don’t want the wedding ring Sofia would have worn.” It would humiliate Rocco to be ignored, and I wanted to humiliate him so very much. The ring was simply because I wouldn’t have anything meant for her, even though I supposed you could technically include Dario in that.

I saw the driver’s head tip up and the glance at Dario. I’d already worked out this must be the infamous Lucio, as Dario never made any attempt to raise the soundproof partition while he talked. I also understood what a dangerous thing I was asking.La famigliawas all about tradition, and Rocco not beingcenter stage might be taken as a sign that he didn’t approve of the wedding, and may even encourage the Irish to try something anyway. I tipped my chin up defiantly and met Dario’s gaze, wondering if my soon-to-be husband had an actual backbone or it was all for show.

He was silent a moment, then reached out and took my hand, his strong fingers giving me no choice in the matter. “On one condition,piccolo mio.”

I scoffed. “Don’t you think you’ve been the one stipulating every condition today?”

“I will inform my uncle that we are eschewing the traditional format, as I said, on one condition.”

“Which is?” I asked, hoping he couldn’t actually hear my heart pounding.

“I want to know what you have on him.” I didn’t reply and tried to look like I didn’t know what Dario was asking, even though fear and nausea both clawed at my throat. “I want to know,” Dario continued, “why my uncle didn’t simply put a bullet between your eyes.”

I couldn’t speak. I could barely breathe.

“Because the easiest way to get rid of you and your mamma as a problem would be to do just that. I don’t believe for one moment that he is in need of cheap labor in his kitchen, so there has to be another reason.” His black eyes speared mine. “I want to know what it is.”