Page 46 of Dario

So, Marcello had been bought as well. "What has any of that got to do with me?” I was blunt, but it would seem a fair question to Marcello.

“Because I have a good computer analyst.” He smirked. “Sounds better than ‘hacker.’”

And I knew instantly what he was talking about. Marcello had discovered the same emails as Gia had. He leaned over and opened an iPad, but I knew what he was going to show me.

I read them quickly on the off chance he had discovered more than Gia, but they were the same. “I know about these,” I admitted.

“What I don’t understand is how Rocco Martino benefits, and how that has anything to do with my uncle,” Marcello asked.

I weighed my options. He could be a plant sent by his uncle to get information. He could be out for information to impresshis uncle with, especially as if he thought his inheritance was in jeopardy.

“It’s been an interesting week,” I said, telling him about Rocco’s supposed betrayal, my finding out that Sofia was betraying me to the Irish, finding out Alessandro was his son, and the events on La Caterina this evening. I didn’t mention who I thought Caterina was, just that I thought she was a household servant.

He whistled slowly. “You have had a week.”

Marcello knew as Rocco’s son, Alessandro wouldn’t make any difference to either Gabriel or Marcello’s plans, but he didn't know he was Amato's nephew.

“It’s still extremely temporary, though,” Marcello mused and poured us both another vodka. “Rocco has to know that even if both you and Gia die, he still can’t be named the Don.”

“The only hope for him, I suppose, would be if I impregnated Sofia. He could manage things for a grandson a lot longer.”

“But as my uncle could tell you, much to his disgust, that is never a guarantee,” Marcello argued. “Babies don’t appear like clockwork, and even then, they might not be the heir he wants.” Marcello’s voice had turned very bitter, and I wondered again if there was another reason for it. “There has to be a connection we’re missing,” he said.

“It sounds like you have your own problems,” I said casually, struggling not to crush the crystal glass I held.

There was a knock at the door and Marcello’s man and Lucio both came in. The second I saw Lucio’s face, I was out of my chair. “What is it?”

He shot a look at Marcello, clearly asking if he could speak in front of witnesses, but I didn’t care. The image of Alessandro getting hurt immediately swam into my vision but I dismissed my sweaty palms and pounding heart as anger that any retribution would be taken away from me. That was all it was.The only person to kill my snake of a new husband would be me. “What?” I demanded.

Lucio met my gaze. “Rocco and Maxine were both taken to the warehouse as you ordered and put on ice, waiting for your instructions. Thirty minutes ago, the warehouse was breached, and Rocco killed, as were the men guarding him.”

“What?” That hadn’t been what I expected him to say, at all. “Who?”

“Emelio and his brother Saul.” I swore. Saul had driven the ambulance to collect them from the docks. I’d just made Emelio a capo. Both loyal men.

“Maxine?” Marcello asked, knowing who she was, as I had just told him.

“Alive. Her guard as well. They either didn’t know she was there or weren’t interested. I’m having her moved to our other location now.” I glanced at my watch. A little after two a.m. “Terry has just reported in. Everything is good there.”

“I would offer to help, but I cannot guarantee there aren’t eyes on me.” Which confirmed Marcello hadn’t come here for the wedding. He knew that coming into my territory meant I would seek him out.

I needed answers. I knew I had to confront Alessandro and find out exactly when the hits on Gia and I would take place, but if there was a chance Maxine had overheard anything Rocco had said, I had to start with her. By this point, I doubted if Rocco had been anything but a patsy for the Irish.

I turned to Marcello. “When are you expected home?”


“Do you have adequate protection?” I didn’t want Gabriel thinking he could start a war by implicating me in his nephew’s murder, if the hit I had no doubt he was readying didn’t work.

“Some, I couldn't come with an army as you know, and to be honest I trust the two I have."

“I agree. I will make sure Gia arranges a discreet escort to the airport for you. I will also have a burner phone delivered to your suite within an hour. An untraceable number will be programmed in, and it will either reach me or Lucio. If I find out any more information on what we discussed, I will contact you immediately.”

“Likewise,” Marcello said and offered me his hand to shake, which I did. I hoped he wasn’t lying, as I quite liked the man.

I left with Lucio. “Are you assuming the ambulance was followed from the docks?”

Lucio frowned. “Saul knew better.”