Page 5 of Dario


He scrambled off me and tried to leap for the door, and I was ‘sorry, not sorry’ to use my body to block his when he hit my front with a huff. “I’ll shout for Elisabetta,” he said, clearly trying to make the ultimatum threatening and not completely ridiculous.

I didn’t smile this time because having him think he amused me wouldn’t get me what I wanted. Right up to holding him in my arms I would have been happy with a business arrangement, but my cock had instantly disagreed, and the rest of my body caught up quickly, and then I wanted it all. “You haven’t listened to my reasoning.”

“That’s because you couldn’t possibly have any,” he spat back, fury making his chest heave and his eyes sparkle. I tried not to groan, and definitely didn’t adjust my pants even though I needed to. I hated compliance. It was so boring after a while. Even though I commanded and expected obedience, I had a feeling that would be the last thing I would get with Alessandro. I wanted defiance. I would so enjoy the battle even though I knewI would always be the victor. The fact that this spitfire barely reached my shoulder was the icing on the cake, and I wanted to feast on him one crumb at a time.

He took a step back and even though I missed the contact, I allowed it. He put his hands on his hips, I was sure to underscore his resolve, but the move only tightened his pants across his groin. Slowly, I let my eyes trail down the rest of his body. I could see it had possibilities. As if I needed enticement.

“I’m listening,” he said firmly, trying hard, I could see, not to squirm at my focus.

I knew it was an attempt to bring me back on track, but it only succeeded in drawing my attention to his plump lips as they settled into a pout. Fuck, what had been a necessary evil at first had taken on much more interesting possibilities. But with difficulty, I finally remembered why I was here. “I know who you are and why you are here.”

He arched an eyebrow and I wanted to bite it. “Well, you have one up on me. I know who you are but have no idea why you are here.”

I decided to be blunt. “Do you really believe that your father will continue to pay your mamma’s nursing home fees once he has Sofia married?”

I saw the flash of fear before he quickly schooled it. But it was too late, I knew he worried about the same thing. “Why shouldn’t he?”

“Before or after I am assassinated?” It would never happen, but it couldn’t hurt to let him believe the possibility. His eyes widened and for a second I basked in the genuine horror he displayed at the thought of my death. Not that I was stupid enough to believe it was the thought of spilling my blood in particular that horrified him, as I knew it was the potential consequences for his mamma. I was surprised that having livedaround the family all his life, death still had the ability to shock him.

“I don’t believe anyone would succeed in killing you,” he taunted, rallying. I took note that he didn’t use the word try, merely that their attempt would be futile.

“Tell me. Do you have it in writing that your mamma will be protected?”

His chin lifted and again I struggled not to sink my teeth into another part of his anatomy. Really, I was spoiled for choice. “Yes.”

“And if you were dead? Who would ensure it?”

Fear bleached his skin, but I carried on. He had to hear this. “Or perhaps more simply, what if your mamma died?”

The wince hit me as I had expected, but the way he turned and hugged himself broke my heart. Surprising, as that had been impervious to most things since I was twelve years old. More startling was the urge to fold him in my arms and protect him from the big bad monsters in this world.

Unfortunately, I was the biggest and baddest of them all. “What I’m saying is that I have reason to believe you cannot trust your father’s word.”

“I know.” The whisper seemed almost defeated.

“I’m offering an alternative.”

“But why?” Alessandro said. “It makes no sense. You’ve been promised to Sofia a long time. I thought...” But he trailed off.

“You thought I loved her?” I asked, guessing correctly at the flush on his cheeks. “I’m incapable of loving anyone,” I admitted honestly. “Butfamigliaweddings haven’t been about love for a very long time, if ever.”

“Why don’t you want Sofia?” he asked. “That makes no sense either. She’s from yourconsigliere’sfamily. As far as matches go, she’s perfect. We both know how all the families view gay marriage, usually by pretending it doesn’t exist, and they wouldnever approve. Or is it that you don’t think you can control her as easily as you could me?”

I admired his challenge. “Let me be honest. In a partner, I expect discretion and loyalty. You wouldn’t ever fuck anyone else.” I noted a second wince. “In return, I will provide my protection for you and your mamma.”

“And that’s it?” he challenged. “I’ve been someone’s dirty little secret all my life, I don’t want that again, and in case you’ve forgotten your school biology classes, I can’t give you heirs.”

My smile was wicked. “I want children. Lots of children, but that’s what surrogates are for.” It had been an abstract concept up to that moment, but all of a sudden I was beset with images of cute little girls with jet-black curls like his, and boys with my dark eyes that I would love just as fiercely. I’d always wanted my father to take me to a ball game. It never happened. Ridiculous, I guessed. But my son and I would have season tickets. I dreamed of Sundays spent grilling in our back yard, not keeping count of the bodies piling up.

But that wasn’t my life, could never be my life. His reaction wasn’t as bad as I had expected. Was it the children comment? Did he want a family?

“Okay, so even though I know this isn’t going to work, and I still want my freedom above every other pretty prison-like scenario you painted, why can’t you have that with Sofia?” He still thought himself bottom-shelf and I understood. In our world, a child born out of wedlock normally was. He was terrified Rocco wouldn’t keep his word, but he had no reason to trust me, either.

Did I risk the truth? I could always kill him, I supposed.

For a moment, neither of us spoke. But I needed to give him a compelling reason. Being a clone of Rocco even with threats wouldn’t work.