Page 23 of Dario

“Lift your hips?”

He slid a pillow under me as I did his bidding. “This is a concession because of what happened, and I don’t think you’ve done this often,” he warned. “But normally when I fuck, I fuck hard. I won’t give you pillows.” He grunted and lay over me. “You’ll be lucky to have a bed.”

I wasn’t sure if that warning was having the effect he thought it was.

A streak of lust shot through me, so hard it felt like I’d been knifed, but that quickly dissolved as his cock slid over my hole. I had a moment to blink as I felt a finger slide into my ass. His finger withdrew and he scraped a nail around my hole as he thrust it back in, and I gasped at the sudden flare of pain.

So maybe fingers weren’t sufficient prep then.

He stilled, but then gentled immediately. I registered a surprised grunt, before he seemed to deliberately slow, and he employed his fingers, lips, and whispered words to make me forget the pain and let my brain absorb the pleasure. He kissed me like he simultaneously had all the time in the world, and yet his life depended on an urgent claiming. He drove me higher with his fingers and tongue until it seemed like I was hovering on some cliff. Then one more move of those talented hands and every nerve ending I had, and some I was pretty sure I’d just grown, seemed to light up at the same time. My orgasm didn’t build in a slow, rolling wave like the ones from my own hand; it crashed over me like some freakin’ Dario-tsunami destroying everything in its path. My preconceptions, my inhibitions... my sanity?

I vaguely remembered being tended to with a warm towel, and knew he hadn’t penetrated me, but I was too sleepy to register the whys. In a distant part of my mind, I realized I hadn’treturned the favor, but any protest was silenced with a strong arm and a warm chest for me to lie on.

I opened my eyes the next morning to an empty bed. Well, empty except for me. There was a trace of cologne but not a hint of warmth. Just like my new husband.

Although, he’d been pretty hot last night. The satisfied smile tugged at my lips just before reality intruded. The door opened and Darren walked in, followed by Imelda. I squeaked and pulled the covers to my chin. “You have fully recovered,” he pronounced, “but if you have any concerns, I’ve left my number with Imelda.” And with that, he swept out.

I watched until I heard the apartment door click, then smiled at my hopefully new friend. “I’m grateful, butLord.”

Imelda giggled and nearly launched herself at me. I hugged her back, despite being naked, recognizing genuine concern. “I’m fine.” What I really wanted to know was where Dario was, but she answered like she was psychic or something.

“Signor Banetti left at about seven. He says he will be back to take you out for lunch at twelve.” She handed me an iPad. “The nurse looking after your mother is online, but I suggest at least a shirt.” She smirked and left me to go to the bathroom and slide a pair of shorts on and a tee shirt, which was about all I had. I quickly brushed my teeth and tried to arrange my hair so I at least looked a little respectable.

I connected eagerly and drank my mom in. A pleasant older woman was sitting with her. My mom looked blankly at the screen. After five minutes, it was obvious Mom was trying to get up and the nurse was doing her best to get her to focus on me,but I interrupted since I knew it was no use. She didn’t know who I was anymore, and she clearly didn’t understand the screen was no different from perhaps a television. I arranged a call with Mom’s new doctor for tomorrow when they would have the results of her bloodwork, thanked her, and hung up. I sat for a moment battling tears, but then Imelda came back in and gently took the iPad from my stiff fingers. I was glad she didn’t try to sympathize.

“What time is it now?” I asked, trying to hide the thread of panic as I realized I was going to lunch and I looked a complete mess, something I hadn’t given any consideration to when talking to the nurse.

“Ten AM,” she waggled her eyebrows, producing a garment bag and I laughed weakly.

Obviously, it didn’t take two hours to get ready, even snacking on a small breakfast Imelda rustled up, which was good as Dario appeared ten minutes early. His gaze heated me as quickly as it had last night, and I dismissed Imelda for the afternoon while my gorgeous husband took me for lunch at Le Pevellion.

“Did you speak to the nurse?”

I nodded and thanked him politely and he nodded back, sliding his hand to the small of my back and guiding me possessively, not caring how it would look, which I secretly loved. Did that make me weak? I wasn’t sure and to be honest didn’t want to think about it too much.

I think I glided to the table. At least until I saw the stunningly beautiful man sitting there, obviously waiting for us to join him. Terence Gianelli, as he was introduced, was a six-foot super-model god and I hated him instantly. He had a put together, independent air that I couldn’t ever hope to emulate, and while lean, he had muscles that clearly didn’t come only from a gym.

Dario wasn’t surprised to see him – well, of course he wasn’t. Random guys didn’t get through his security detail to sit next tohim in restaurants. He glanced between us and introduced him as Terry. I hated Terry already. I hated their familiarity. I hated that apparently they’d been friends for a long time. But most of all I hated that he clearly knew a lot about my husband that I didn’t.

But I really, really, hated that he was joining the security detail that looked after me. Because that meant I would have to suffer his presence on a daily basis.

After a very stilted first course and an even quieter main, Terry eventually put his fork down and glared at my husband. “Dario, this isn’t gonna work. He clearly hates me.”

I did. And I was more than happy to admit so. In fact, I had really no idea why he was here, or so familiar with Dario that he didn’t address him as Mister Banetti like most of the other people I’d met. Lucio even called him “Boss.”

Dario sighed and turned to me. “Alvize will be your main man, but he can’t work seven days a week, and I’m trying to build you a team you can trust. Terry has other obligations so pre-planned evening functions are ideal, for example.”

“I have a two-year old,” Terry supplied before I could ask. “I can’t be the sort of bodyguard that drops everything at a minute’s notice, because of Emily. My mom and sister live close, but they have their own lives.” I nodded, feeling foolish, and excused myself to the bathroom as quickly as I could.

When I came out of the stall, Terry was waiting for me. He smiled ruefully. “I just need a chance. I need to put food on the table for Emily and me.”

I gazed at him without answering. Why did Terry merit a meal with us? And the day after we were married? Not that I was a snob. I’d happily eat with any of them, but Dario hadn’t suggested any of his other men get this close to me. Okay, so I’d barely been in his life for more than a few days, but something told me this scenario was different. And it stung, even though Itold myself that was really fucked up. Dario wasn’t in love with me, or I, him. This was a necessary evil.

I had another awful thought. Were they lovers? Was that why they seemed so close?

My stomach churned sickly. Was this it? Right that moment, I would have given a lot to know why he deserved such special treatment.

Unfortunately, I thought I already knew.