Page 63 of Dario

I stood. “I bear no love for my husband, and to be honest, I regretted the decision almost immediately.” I waved a hand. “But again, my apologies.”

She stood and stepped up to me. “Dario, please let me help. I—”

Forcing myself, I grabbed her roughly and took her slimy, gag-inducing lips in a way I hoped seemed to her like I was desperate for her taste, not desperate to put my hands around her throat and squeeze the life from her. I pushed her back just as quickly, the horror in my voice not a pretense. “Sofia, forgive me. I—”

But she shook her head and placed a palm on my cheek. How I stood still and allowed it, I didn’t know. “I understand.” She sighed. “I shouldn’t say this, but while my father looked uponyou as a son, I never considered you my brother.” She licked her lips, and I had to force myself to swallow instead of gagging.

“I have made so many mistakes,” I admitted, knowing the mistakes I meant and the ones she assumed I was talking about were poles apart. I heaved a breath, knowing Lucio had been given the time he needed now, and stepped to the door. “I should go.”

She nodded and, without so much as a backward glance at her father’s body, walked out with me. Her driver and bodyguard were waiting in the car behind mine as we stepped outside. Lucio was waiting by my open car door.

I heard a squeal of tires, but because I was expecting it, I had Sofia in my arms and was running to my car with her as gunfire peppered her vehicle. I saw her bodyguard go down just as I pushed her inside and Lucio slammed his foot on the gas. Another car peeled off from driving directly at Sophia’s and shots pinged the trunk as we swerved. I pulled out my gun, ordering Sofia to keep her head down, and returned fire out of the window while Lucio drove. The car following us swerved as if it had been hit, which I knew it hadn’t, and skidded to a halt. I barked out more orders to Lucio and in a moment, we were speeding along the highway.

I turned in concern to a crying Sofia, sure this time her tears were genuine, settled her on the seat, and murmured comfort. I passed her tissues and waited for her to calm down. Lucio took a call on his cell phone, looked at me in the mirror, and nodded.

“Sofia,” I said. I had to repeat her name a couple of times until she stopped shaking. “I have dispatched men to your home, and they have informed me your mother is unharmed.”

She did her best owl impression. “Mamma? But why would someone want to hurt Mamma?”

“Because that was clearly a hit on you, Sofia. You had an arranged visit. I decided to come at the last minute, and I knowwe weren’t followed.” Lucio made a show of answering another call.

Her eyes widened, and I decided to force my point home. “Somehow, you have an enemy who has decided to strike while you two are vulnerable after your father’s death.” I frowned. “Although I find that unlikely…” I trailed off, pretending to think.

Lucio cleared his throat. “Boss?” He looked at Sofia as if reluctant to speak, and I waved his apparent concern off.

“Speak freely.” As if I trusted her.

“We have located the package from Chicago.” Lucio hesitated. “It would seem they are both together.”

“Not for long,” I replied ominously and pressed the button to raise the privacy screen. All for show. Both Lucio and Gia could hear everything I said.

Sofia blinked. “My father had enemies, of course he did, but Mamma and me? Why would we?” I let the silence draw out, knowing it would infuriate her. “Please tell me if you think I need to be on my guard.” She reached out and held my hand. I allowed it, but met her gaze, trying to look undecided.

“I’ll take care of it,” I said and went to withdraw my hand, but she clutched it tighter.

“You know something, please.”

My phone pinged, and I brought it out and pressed my lips into a grim line. I leaned forward and pressed the intercom to complete the show. “Warn the men at Elisabetta’s they may need to get her out of there.”

Sofia gasped. “Dario, you have to tell me.”

I sighed, even though my cold heart was practically dancing at being able to reel her in. “I have reason to believe another outfit has targeted you both.”

“Who?” she whispered. “Why?”

“According to my informants, Gabriel Amato is in town, and not only ordered the hit on you just now but was also responsible for Rocco’s death.” I swore and thumped the seat. “I am afraid this is a sick, twisted, plot for the territory. He has to believe you know something.”

She bit her lip, looking absolutely terrified. “Look,” I tried to reassure her. “I can arrange papers and an allowance for you to change identities. Get you out of the country.” I nodded as if that was a good idea, but her face lost what little color it had.

“But,” she hesitated.

I could see her mind whirling. Obviously, “getting out of the country” didn’t mesh with her dream of being a powerful Don’s wife. “I have a small house in Mexico City. Not what you’re used to, but he’d never think of following you there.”

I was wrong, she did have a little color left to lose. She bit her lip, and I silently begged her to make the decision I wanted. “I cannot allow this insult. He came into my territory and not only murdered my godfather, but also tried to kill you. I will end him very shortly.” I laughed. “At least the five families will know I didn’t wait for the insult of divorce.”

“And after?” she asked, a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Cara mia,”I murmured. “I would hope to rectify the mistake I made last week should you feel so inclined. But I cannot in good conscience offer anything until I have taken care of this threat.”