Page 56 of Dario

“I will have to cancel now, of course,” Sofia said. “But I actually visited Alessandro to invite him to luncheon today.” She sighed. “I know how this family works, and while I can’t say I’m not disappointed in the outcome, I understand your position and why you made the decision you felt you had to.” She lowered her head demurely. “I have always regretted my youthful indiscretion, but I had hoped to repay your kindness to my family with an offer of friendship to Alessandro.”

I wanted to clap. If it had been sincere at all, I would have grabbed the opportunity. “There’s a lot of that going around,” I said sardonically.

Her eyes met mine in confusion.

“My apologies, Sofia. I meant youthful indiscretion. It seems, to use a crude American term, that mine has come around to ‘bite me on the butt’, as they say.”

Elisabetta shot her daughter a warning look, but Sofia ignored it. “I understand that you will grieve the loss of my father, as we all will, but I mean it when I say I will give Alessandro all the help I can to navigate the duties of becoming your spouse.”

“I am grateful, except…” I sat down. “I know this is incredibly selfish in terms of your grief, but I wish my uncle was here to give me his advice.”

Elisabetta leaned forward. “Dario, you know Rocco thought of you and Gianni as the sons he never had. Please know you can confide in us. Of all people, I understand how lonely it can be in your position, and as Sofia says, navigating our world is incredibly difficult for someone not born in a position to do so.” She swallowed. “I absolutely know that Rocco would want us to help you all we can.”

“Dario,” Sofia said. “If I’m making things awkward, I can leave you two to talk.” Because she knew Elisabetta would tell her anyway, plus they were desperate for me to spill.

I huffed incredulously. “I have many enemies, and after our broken engagement, I assumed you two would be included in that.”

Sofia hissed in a breath and shook her head. “It was my fault. My mistake the engagement was broken.” She shook her head again, tears in her eyes. “It was the biggest mistake of my life, and one I will always try to apologize for. You are the head of my family now, Dario. Perhaps in time we may become friends.”

I stood and went back for more whisky, even though I had been careful not to drink too much. “You are not the only one who has made a huge mistake, Sofia.”

“Then let me help,” Sofia practically begged. “Alessandro may just need a friend.”

I barked out a bitter-sounding laugh. “Apparently, he wants a divorce lawyer.”

Elisabetta hissed in a breath. “Surely not. He must be feeling overwhelmed. It’s incredibly hard to navigate la famiglia if you’re not used to it.”

I nodded. “My apologies. I certainly didn’t mean to burden you with my problems today of all days. My uncle would be ashamed of me, and rightfully so.”

Elisabetta pressed a finger to her lips. “Your uncle would want to help in any way he could, and if I’m totally honest, if either of us can help, it would almost be like honoring his legacy.”

You got that one right, Aunty.

“On the understanding that this is confidential?”

“Of course, Dario. You know, with the experience we have in our world, we both understand the importance of confidentiality, but more importantly the real risk to your reputation.”

Well, that was blunt, but she was getting to the place I needed her to be.

“Alessandro left me this morning, and I just received a notification he was filing for divorce, well, specifically an annulment.”

The twin gasps were like music to my ears.

“Surely not,” Sofia whispered in horror. “But the families…” She looked at her mother.

“Exactly,” I agreed. “I’ll be honest, the switch in fiancé,” I glanced at her apologetically, “has caused me problems enough. Then this…”

“What can we do to help?” Sofia asked.

I shook my head. “You have enough problems today.”

“Dario,” Elisabetta said. “You were here when the condition of my marriage was displayed a little too publicly. All I now want is to live an easier life and see my daughter happily married.” She smiled sadly. “And I hope to have lots of grandchildren.”

Sofia reached out and squeezed her mother’s hand. “I need a husband first, Mamma.”

I cleared my throat and stood. “I have intruded on your grief long enough. I certainly didn’t mean to burden you with my problems.”

“You’re family, Dario,” Elisabetta said and stood as well. “If Alessandro can’t be persuaded otherwise, what do you intend to do?”