Page 13 of Dario

“Gianni will meet us in ten minutes at the courthouse,” Lucio said from the front seat putting his phone away again, interrupting the real fear that my body was about to spontaneously combust.

“Gianni? Your brother?”

Dario nodded. “Lucio, you will be the second witness.”

Lucio cleared his throat and the noise focused our attention on him. “Gianni is bringing the second witness.”

I saw the scowl flash across Dario’s face. “Who?”

There was a pause and I fancied for a second that Lucio was nervous about the news he was about to impart. Which was utterly ridiculous. I knew the man wasn’t frightened of anything.

“He says Nonna Mafalda will be with him.”

It was almost like Lucio had dropped a bomb. Dario’s face actually paled.

“Nonna?” I questioned. “You have a grandmother?”

Dario nodded once, his face remaining impassive even though his color had changed. “How does she know?” Dario asked quietly, but the danger in his question was apparent.

Lucio shrugged. “How does she know anything?”

“Who’s your grandmother?” I demanded, knowing we were barely five minutes from the courthouse.

“Mafalda Banetti is my late father’s mother.” For the first time, I heard what might be stress in Dario’s voice. “I was hoping to introduce you to her gradually.”

I lapsed into shocked silence for a moment, then decided to grab the bull by the horns, or maybe by theballsmight be more appropriate, given the circumstances. “Why are you scared of her? Is she homophobic?”

The scoff from the front seat this time was louder. Dario drew himself up. “No she isn't, and I’m scared of no one.”

I borrowed his eyebrow lift and made sure to look suitably disbelieving. “Except your grandmother.”

He sighed. “She’ll have unrealistic expectations.”

“Of me?”

“Of your time. She will expect romance. She will expect family.”

I couldn’t help hearing the small voice in my head that had always told me I wasn't good enough. “And because I’m a guy, would she be disappointed?”

Dario scoffed. “Are you kidding me? That won't even be a blip on her radar.”

“So, she wants a family?” I asked, trying to puzzle it out. I could work with that. I wanted a family too. Unless, of course, the woman was a bitch and thought my illegitimacy made me unworthy. “Will she resent—”

“No,” Dario cut me off. “She won’t care where you came from. You arefamiglia. She will expectbambini.”

Babies. A longing I never knew existed wrapped me up. “Good,” I said decisively. “I’ve always wanted a grandmother.” Andbambinibut I didn’t say it.

Dario looked at me skeptically, then he grinned. “Just so long as you realize that Nonna Mafalda isn’t a reason for divorce either.”



“This wasn’t how I imagined my wedding day would be.”

I turned toward Alessandro, catching the muttered grumble I was pretty sure he hadn’t expected I could hear, and mentally shrugged. I didn’t have the time to indulge him. He should be grateful I was keeping him alive.

Even if I knew there was something else he wasn’t telling me. I’d seen a flash of something else in his eyes. Fear probably, but fear was good. It kept you sharp. I’d turned the charm on to get him to agree, so maybe now it was time to turn the screws? Figuratively, anyway. I had used my body as a weapon in many different ways over the years, and this was an interrogation I intended to enjoy. I knew he’d tell me everything when I had him begging for my cock. I could nearly taste his submission on my tongue now.