Page 57 of The Way We Fight

I pressed CALL on his name over and over again, voicemail picking up each time. I had no idea what time he was going to get to the gym, but I knew he would be oblivious to Bobby’s show until he walked into the doors. Bobby had already ensured everyone who was attending was to be there well before fight time and no cars were allowed in the lot.

Levi was going to be blindsided and before he would be able to back out the door, everyone would have already seen him come in.

Dressed in ripped jeans and a tank top, I grabbed my keys and ran for my car. Bobby’s was only fifteen minutes from home and I told myself I would make it in ten.

I just hoped it was fast enough.



“I’m not gonna lie, I’m so glad you're here.”

“I don't like to miss your potential ass beatings,” Rhys said around a mouth full of apple he was eating. The apple reminded me of Charleigh, but I had been trying to squash her out of my thoughts until after the fight.

It killed me that I never got to talk to her. She was long gone before the game ended and with my number still blocked in her phone, I had no way to check in on her. I didn't even know where she lived.

I came close to canceling the fight altogether and spending my off day hunting her down, but I knew my best chance to find her would be to start at Bobby’s. She said she wouldn't, but maybe she would end up showing up after all.

Rhys was driving and turned the blinker on to turn down the road toward Bobby’s Gym. “You think you are showing up a tad too early?”

I shrugged because I imagined I was a bit early. But if Charleigh was there, it would be worth it. If not, I could just sit around in the locker room until Sisco was ready to rumble.

Al was on his way, but he was unprepared for me wanting to go earlier than necessary. I assured him I would be okay until he got there. I didn't need a babysitter, just my brother to help me not run off with Charleigh. Not that he knew about her yet. But he knew someone had gotten to me and he was on what he called “Levi watch” for a good old-fashioned freak out.

When he flew in late Sunday, and let himself into my apartment, I breathed a sigh of relief I hadn't known was festering. He didn't ask about it, just distracted me, and I was thankful for him knowing what I needed.

Rhys pulled around to the back of Bobby’s and together, we made our way around the front and to the sidewalk. My bag was slung over my shoulder and my head was down. I was trying to focus and get into fight mode, but a lot had changed since the last time I fought Sisco, and my heart wasn't as into as I thought it would be.

I settled my hand on the door and took a deep breath, giving myself one last chance to walk away. The only thing keeping me there though, was the hope that Charleigh was inside waiting for me. So, I pulled the door open and led the way into the lobby.

Instantly, I knew something was wrong.

There were too many people, too much heat.

Rhys walked in behind me and all I could hear was him saying, “Holy fuck,” over and over again. He pulled me back, but I resisted, too stunned to move.

Bobby started in my direction, a smile of satisfaction all over his face.

“We’ll cut you in,” he laughed, like that was my main problem.

I started shaking my head and licking my teeth, anger getting deeper and deeper into my bones. Everything was elaborate, and there was no way Charleigh didn't know. She had to have known about that plan for weeks and never once told me.

That stung worse than the fact that everyone was about to see me, and possibly recognize me. I had seen Al do the same thing at his gym, hoping the opposing fighter got rattled and he was able to make a pay day. It was underhanded, but in their world, it was what it was.

Bobby didn't know I was Levi Peyton, he thought I was Brett–a regular guy that wanted to fight. Sisco didn't know either. But Charleigh did, and she could have stopped this.

I felt a push on my back, only it wasn't Rhys. It was softer, warmer, and definitely not strong enough to move me. I looked backward and down, right into Charleigh’s eyes. They were huge, sad, and apologetic leaving me torn between relief at seeing her, and anger at her not being honest with me from the start. She knew who I was, and the risks involved with me fighting.

She didn't care.

And I guess I couldn't blame her.

But at that moment, I couldn't stand to look at her. Because now that I was there, I had to fight. I couldn't back out. My options no longer existed.

Rhys was telling me we should leave but my ego was telling me to take out the rage out on Sisco and show Bobby why I was the wrong one to place bets against. His surprise audience didn't rattle me the way he had hoped it would.

Charleigh pushed me again and that time I gave a little, letting her guide me across the lobby. Bobby started to follow but the door opened again, and it was Al. His face went into shock when he saw the crowd mingling near the ring, and he looked to me and then to Rhys.