Page 43 of The Way We Fight

When we were both clean, he pulled me from the shower and kissed me again before demanding that I get dressed. I had to sneak to the other locker room, but it didn’t take me any time to get back out to the main part of the gym where he was waiting on me.

He was dressed in fitted jeans and a t-shirt, the most casual I had ever seen him. Even in his joggers that he coached in, he didn't seem as casual as he did in jeans. His joggers were a uniform of sorts, something he wore for work. His suits were for interviews, meetings, and one-night stands.

His jeans were for a night out with me.

He threw his bag over his shoulders and walked toward me, taking my hand with a delicate squeeze. I was surprised when he kissed me, gently. So intimately that I swooned in a way I never thought possible.

What was he doing? What was happening?

We locked eyes as he brought my hand down, bearing witness to the effect he was having on me. I may have been tough, strong, and ready for a fight, but I was also vulnerable and susceptible to falling for the charms of a man like Levi.

No, notlikeLevi… just Levi. I think I was supposed to hate him but that was never very true. I just hated that I couldn't have him. Turns out that wasn't true, either. I had him when I wanted him. Now he was setting a new table for us, and I wanted to sit down and see what he had to serve.

In the back of my mind, I considered it being a trick, something to get me to lower my guard. I also thought about how I was keeping a secret from him about his fight while he was busy making me feel like a queen. I flinched a little, knowing I should tell him the truth, but I also didn’t owe him anything. I owed everything to Bobby. Levi had been nothing but trouble and rage since we reconnected on that football field all those weeks ago.

“Come on, Charleigh,” Levi whispered. “Let me take you out.”

I nodded, deciding to let all my worries and insecurities fade away for the night. I had let everything fade away when it came to Levi. I was already an idiot. My career was already in his hands. I had said yes to going out that night because I wanted to, and I still wanted to see it through.

We walked hand in hand to the door and I let us out with the key. It was dark and always kind of scary on the streets at night, but I was used to it. Those were my streets. But I paid attention to Levi, worried that Mr. Malloy, the homeless man that did drugs by the trash can after dark, didn’t spook him.

“My car is out back,” he guided me toward the turn in the sidewalk that led to the back of the gym. “Let me put my bag up and we will take the Marta.”

“The underground train?” I asked, even though we all knew what the Marta was. I was just shocked he wanted to take it, especially when we both had cars parked in the parking lot.

“You okay with that?”

“Of course. Are you?”

He smiled as he popped his trunk open and threw his bag into the back. “I prefer it.” Leaving his car probably wasn't his best move, either. There was a forty percent chance it wouldn't have wheels when we got back, but I kept my thoughts to myself and took his hand again.

He guided me down the block to the Marta station, passing Mr. Malloy quietly, with a small nod. We got onto the train without talking much but I did note he was taking us to the center of the city, around Centennial Park.

“What's the plan, Coach?” When I called him coach, he looked around to make sure no one heard me, but I had already made sure our train was empty before I said it.

“Taking you somewhere special, somewhere I should have taken you a long time ago.”

“I have to admit, I am both intrigued and scared.” Not just by where he was taking me, but the fact that he was being so romantic while doing it. Our fingers were still interlocked, and his other arm was wrapped around me.

He nuzzled close to my ear and lowered his voice as he answered, “You should be.”



That was going to be the only night I had with Charleigh before I had to start pushing her off the field again. I had to get her to leave the NFL, that was all there was to it. The text from Richard a few days ago drove that home.

I was nuzzling my nose into her ear, soaking in her scent and the heat her body exuded when I was close to her. Darkness had settled in and for a Friday night, the train was empty. I had thoughts of laying her back on the bench and licking her pussy until she came. It was almost the only thing I could think of, especially since she sucked my dick so selflessly during the last game. I wanted to return that favor.

Taking her in the shower before our date was the only way I was going to be able to think past sex.

“Why should I be scared?” Her voice interrupted my memories of us just an hour beforehand at the gym.

I leaned back from her, hoping I could coherently answer her question. “Because, baby, it’s still my mission to destroy you.”

“So, this sweet side is just an act?” She smirked without looking at me.

“Yep,” I leaned in and kissed her ear again, unsure if I was telling the truth or not. Was I being sweet? It felt like I was being selfish. I needed one night to stand down and then I was going back to being the guy I had to be. Was that an act?