Page 2 of The Way We Fight

When I met him.

In New York.

When he told me his name was Brett.

And the tequila and tailored suit made him hard to recognize.

His words crept back into my brain as his voice still played on my TV. The man knew how to talk, all right. I never stood a chance once he leaned into my ear and told me all the things he wanted to do to me.

Had I known who he was at the time, I would have refrained. In fact, I would have run far, far away. But a hook up while in New York, with someone I would never see again, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Now what was I facing?

I got the job I’d applied for in New York and Coach Peyton and I were about to be spending a lot of time with one another. And once I realized that my first instinct was to call and quit. There was no way I could work beside the man that still made my panties wet when I thought about his deep, commanding voice.

But there was a focus on my role, and it would make headlines if I bailed.

Because I wasthatfemale referee who was poised to make history.

I had spent the last three months holed up in a training facility and working beyond comprehension while getting doubted by my peers. I had to put in extra work to be taken seriously while being presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. I would be a fool to let it go and let the sins of my past win.

There was also a chance Coach Peyton wouldn't even recognize me. It wasn't like I planned on wearing my sexy dress and stilettos onto the field. My hair wouldn't be done up and I was only allowed to wear very basic makeup.

The complete opposite of who he met in New York.

So, I was doing it.

I would be there every chance and prove to everyone that the NFL was moving in a positive direction.

Even if it meant I had to fight.



The pressure was mounting.

Every year seemed to get worse and worse.

I had been hired as one of the youngest head coaches in the NFL ever, and four years later, that label was still ringing in my ears every day. Who cares if I was young? I had led the Jets to Super Bowls and would do it again.

Yet everyone waited for me to fail.

The media was what drove that narrative. They wanted that story. My fall from grace. It was what happened when you became the best. You became a target. It was me against everyone else.

Unless I failed, no one else could win.

It was fucking exhausting, and stressful.

It was also isolating.

My entire job was lonely.

During the season, I practically lived at the practice complex and in the stadium. The only people that came to me were the ones that needed something. Football was all I thought about and even though I loved the game more than anything, I was reaching a point where it felt like I had peaked.

“Knock, knock.” I looked up to see Cam Nichols, my prized quarterback, standing in the doorway to my office. “Lost in thought, Coach?”

I waved him in and shook my head. “Pretty much. What's up?”