Page 78 of Lost Boy

Eventually, I smile. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Boy, I’m always right,” he says before the corner of his lips turns up a tiny bit. “I can’t promise anything, but I’d like to make a few phone calls and figure out a way for you to still be involved with the team.” He pauses. “If you want to be, that is. Because the way I see it, you’re a huge asset to us. Even if you aren’t on the ice.”

“A huge asset or a huge pain in the ass?” I laugh. “And … yeah, I’d love that—to be part of the team in some way.” I nod, and then my face grows grim. “Plus, I need some sort of schedule. This being all over the place these first few days has been driving me mad.”

“Like I said, I can’t promise anything yet. But I’ll find out this week and reach out to you.” He chuckles. “Who am I kidding? As soon as you walk out of here, I’m going to start my phone calls on this.”

Taking that as my cue to leave him be, I stand. I hold my hand out, and he takes it in his and shakes it.

“Thank you, Coach.” My throat swells. “All of us are lucky to have you.”

Coach has always been a hard-ass. Never one to show much emotion. So, when he nods his head and says, “Nah, I’m the lucky one,” I’ve got to remind myself to keep it together.

He could have shitcanned me from the program altogether back when he found out I was using. Instead, he demanded I get help, and now, he tried to even get me my spot back. He’s helping me by trying to keep me involved with the team. The man is a saint. No matter how much of an asshole he can be at times.

I let a lot of people down. But I’m going to make it up to them. I don’t know how, but I will.



After going home for the weekend to see my parents, I finally get back to Brooks and pull into the driveway. A yawn rips through me as I shift the car into park. Sleep has been hard to come by lately. I just can’t seem to shut my mind off. As exciting as having a baby is, I’m scared. I don’t know what to expect. And even though I love my parents dearly, and they weren’t the worst parents in the world, they also aren’t exactly people I’d turn to for parenting advice. They would be around for holidays and major things, but their minds would be thinking about work. I don’t want to be like that with my son. I want to be present. Always.

Grabbing my bag from the backseat, I head inside. I can’t wait to put on a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. These days, even leggings are too restricting.

As I head toward my bedroom, I walk past the room where I’ve started to put a few odds and ends of baby gear in and cometo a dead stop. I turn my head, and my hand flies to my mouth as I step inside to what is now a beautiful nursery.

After the ultrasound a few weeks ago, I briefly mentioned to Cade that I wanted to do a woodsy theme in the baby’s room. Looking around, I don’t know why it surprises me that he listened to every single word. Of course he did. He’s Cade. He missed nothing, even putting outlines of mountains with bears, foxes, and other creatures throughout the room.

Against the dark forest-green accent wall, above where the crib is, are wooden letters that make up the name Eli Hunter. Maybe it’s the hormones or simply because Cade has the most beautiful heart, but I cry like a baby.

Walking to the corner of the room, I take a seat in the glider and look at the small bookcase next to it. It’s filled with children’s books, all handpicked by Cade.

I gaze around, unable to wipe the emotional smile off my face. This entire nursery was created with love, and it shows.

After God knows how long, I finally push myself up from the chair because like always, I need to pee. And after using the bathroom, I wash my hands and head toward my bedroom. Only to pass another surprise in the room across from the nursery.

My beautiful blue bookcase sits against the wall. But this time, my books are put away, all seemingly in the perfect place. And in the corner of the room is a cream-colored chaise lounge with a baby-blue throw blanket on it. I gaze around at the rest of the bookish decor that was never here before, and I stare in absolute amazement. Because Cade is so unbelievably thoughtful.

My very own reading area.No, my own reading room.As big as my heart swells, I also feel a pang of pain. Because as much as I know I need to walk across the street and thank Cade, what I really want to do is run to him as fast as my swollen feet will carry me. And to hug and kiss him. And never let him go. But thereality is, I can’t do that. And that makes me feel painstakingly lonely.

I’m so incredibly in love with Cade Huff. And I’m counting down the days until I can show him.


An hour ago, I watched Haley’s car pull into her driveway, but I still haven’t seen her. I’m sure she’ll come over eventually. And I know I’ll have to settle for a hug, but that’s better than nothing. Anytime I get to hold her close, even for just a moment, is worth it.

I sit in the recliner while Watson occupies the couch, and Hunter’s sprawled out on the love seat. Sometimes, I get the impression that they feel like they can’t leave me alone or something. I’ve been home for weeks now. I’m settling into a routine, and I’m fine. I don’t want them—or anyone—to feel like they need to spend their days babysitting me, like I can’t be trusted.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Watson’s phone buzz, and he checks it before tucking it back in his pocket.

“You know, guys, I appreciate the whole babysitting thing and all, but you can go hang out with your women now. Who says I want to look at y’all’s ugly faces anyhow?”

They both shift uncomfortably in their seats, but Hunter tries to joke it off as he says, “What the hell are you talking about, fool?” He shrugs. “If I was babysitting you, I’d be charging your ass a fee.”

Watson doesn’t respond. Instead, he looks at his phone once more before he inhales sharply. Standing abruptly, he shoves his phone into his pocket and wrings his hands together.

“Gentry, do you have ants in your pants or what?” I ask before widening my eyes. “Or do you need a little trip to the free clinic to clean up your crabbies?”