Page 72 of Lost Boy

He raises his brows, and I shake my head and laugh.

“I know it’ll be hard to not jump right in with her, but I promise, if you can keep working on yourself and get really comfortable with your sobriety, it’ll be that much sweeter if and when you get together once you’ve got a year of sobriety under your belt. And even then, you might not be ready. But you’ll know.” Kobra’s voice is soft yet strong as his gray eyes look at me, absolutely no judgment in them. “Trust the process. And don’t ever try to deal with your shit alone. You’ve got us. Okay, my man?”

I nod. “I know. I will, I promise.”

I hug each of them good-bye and thank them. Because, well, without them, I don’t know if I would have stayed and seen this program through. But I’m glad I did.

When I climb in my mom’s SUV, she turns backward to look at me. “Ready?”

I smile. “Ready.”

And then I watch the rehab building, where I just spent the past twelve weeks rebuilding myself from nothing, as it gets further away. And I make a vow not just to myself, but also to Haley and our unborn baby that I’ll never need to come back to a place like this again.

We’re almost by the horse pasture when I point. “Can you pull over here, just for a minute?” I blurt out to my dad, and he stops the car.

“I’ll just be a few,” I say, pushing the door open and heading down the hill toward where Beauty and Gaston are standing, waiting for me.

“Hey, girl.” I grin at Beauty, my hand rubbing between her eyes and down to her nose. I nod at Gaston. “Hey, buddy.”

I bring my face closer to Beauty’s. “Thank you,” I whisper, aware that I’m talking to a horse, but honestly not giving a shit. “For giving me something to look forward to while I was here.”

Her sweet, dark eyes look at me, and she nudges her head toward mine.

“You’re going to help so many other pathetic bastards, just like you did with me.” I laugh sadly. “I know it.” Reaching down, I run my hand along Gaston’s neck. “Bye, little guy. Take care of your mama.”

Sober Cade is apparently a dude who cries. Talks to horses. And is excited that he impregnated his best friend’s little sister. I suppose that’s still better than the Cade who partied too much and crushed pills to snort up his nose though. Right?


Setting a picture down near the fireplace, I look around my new place. It’s a small house, just across the street from Cade, my brother, and Watson.

Last week, my parents came to Brooks, and we had acome to Jesusmoment regarding the baby. They apologized that they had ghosted me but explained they were in shock. I told them the situation between Cade and me, and much to my surprise, they didn’t freak out. They did, however, help me rent this house, getting it ready for me in record time.

I have the perfect spot for my bookcase in the guest room, where I’d love to make it my very own reading nook. But I felt weird, taking the beautiful piece of furniture with me without asking. Cade had built it, even attaching it to the wall so that it was extra safe and sturdy, and I didn’t feel right about just packing it up without at least checking with him.

My brother pushes the door open—of course without knocking first. I’d expect nothing less though.

“Hey, Hales. Cade’s about ten minutes out.” He looks around. “Watson and I were talking; we think the three of us should be there when he gets home. You, me, and him. I know you already told Huff about this place, but … he loves you, Hales. I know you guys are in a sensitive place right now, but this is a big deal for him. He’s coming home. And it’s the first time he’s going to be at his house, sober, in God only knows how long. I think he needs us. You know, a united front or whatever they call it.”

Reaching for my brother, I smack him with the back of my hand. “That’s nice and all,asshole,but did you really think I wasn’t going to do that already?” I shake my head. “You do realize I have his baby in my body, right? Of course I am going to welcome him home. Geesh. You really are a knucklehead sometimes.”

He goes from looking proud of himself for his idea to annoyed as he rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Choppity-chop. Let’s go. Get waddlin’ across the road.”

“I don’t waddle!”

“Not yet,” he taunts me. “Give it a few more weeks, and people will think you’re a duck.” As we head outside, he grins at me. “Speaking of the baby, Hunter has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Plus, it could be a girl or a boy. I feel like Hunter could go either way.”

“Go impregnate Sutton and have a baby with her,” I deadpan. “And then you can name your own baby Hunter.” I elbow his side. “And if you guys do have a girl, it can even be Hunter Haley. Or Haley Hunter.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Now,that’sgot a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

“No,” he mutters. “It definitely does not. I’m going to be a great uncle and all, and I’ll love the piss right out of that kid. But a baby of my own? Nah. Not there yet, sis.”

“Me neither,” I mutter. “I’ve never even changed a diaper.”

He pats my shoulder, giving me his bestsupportive brothervoice. “You’ll be great. But, uh … don’t be asking me to change diapers. Because it’s not happening.”

“Well, thanks for the support.” I snort, and we head toward his house.
