Page 65 of Lost Boy

My dad is somewhere in between watching and avoiding the entire thing as he continues to move around, looking at anything else before stealing a quick glance. But my mom stands next to me—we’re a far enough distance to not make Beauty uncomfortable yet close enough to take in the whole thing. And minutes later … out comes a foal.

Beauty wastes no time going to work, cleaning off her baby’s black fur, followed by nuzzling her head.

I stare in complete awe because I just watched a creature come into the world. And that creature makes this place a little less dark.

My mom clutches my arm as tears fill her eyes while her gaze moves from the horses to me. “What a Christmas miracle that was.” She throws her arms around me. “Thank you, Cade. Thank you for allowing me to watch that.”

I smile, holding on to her. “Thank you for being here. Even if I don’t deserve it.”

Looking up at me, she reaches way up to do what she always does to me and Dad. Brush our hair to the side gently. “You deserve it, Cade. And I’llalwaysbe here.” Stepping back, she opens her purse and pulls out an envelope. “We had a visitor a few days ago. Someone who wanted to check in on how you were doing.” She smiles. “She wanted you to have this.”

At the wordshe, my heart does some weird fluttery shit inside my chest.But I remind myself not to get too excited. It might not be from my angel.

I stare down at the letter that my parents left with me. They are returning in the morning before they drive back home, but since it’s Christmas, I guess they wanted me to have this now. My fingers run over the edges of the folded paper. They already told me it was from Haley, and I hold my breath before I eventually unfold it.

Dear Cade,

It’s been five weeks since you left. I hope you’re doing well, and I think I can speak for the entire householdwhen I say … we miss you! We miss your goofy smile and your sometimes—okay, usually—inappropriate jokes.

I know you’re mad at me. And I guess I really can’t blame you. I’m sorry I betrayed your trust. And I’m even sorrier that you never felt like you could tell me the truth. Just please know that when I told Hunter and Watson, it was only with the best intentions for you. Because, Cade, you deserve to live a peaceful life. And I really hope, one day, you’ll believe that.

I often sit in my room and stare at my bookcase. I picture you finding the perfect color blue—my blue—for it. And I imagine you putting it together. It is truly a work of art and my most precious, favorite gift anyone has ever given me.

I’m so proud of you for staying in there and putting the work in. There isn’t a second that passes when you aren’t on my mind. And I believe in you, Cade. After all, you’re so much stronger than you know.

Thank you for making my time at the house … interesting? To say the least. I had so much fun getting to know you. Even if you are a little shit sometimes.

No pressure, but I’m here if you ever need to talk. I miss you so much more than I could ever express in words.



P.S. Remember … I’m just Haley. Not Haley baby. LOL.

Despite my heart being clear up to my fucking throat, I smile. Even though she always sassed me when I called her that, I know, deep down, she liked it. I never had to wonder if that girl cared about me; it was obvious in the way she looked up at me.

I wonder what she’s doing today on Christmas. I’m sure she traveled home to be with her parents even though they aren’t all that close. Just from what I’ve observed, their parents are pretty tough on them. Basically the opposite of mine.

Sitting down at the tiny desk in the corner of my room, I pull open the drawer and take out a pen and pad of paper. And I do something I’ve never done.

I write a girl a letter. One I’m actually going to send to her and not just stuff into the back of my desk.

Haley. The only girl I would ever put words on paper for.



Irush into the post office, unlocking my box and pulling everything out. Since I received Cade’s first letter weeks ago, it’s become an obsession of mine to check the mail for his letters—often multiple times a day.

Our letters to each other are never romantic. Though, sometimes, he might flirt a tad, but that’s just his personality. I was honestly shocked when I received the first letter from him. After I’d sent one to him with his parents, I hadn’t expected him to actually respond. But he did. And now, we’ve been writing to each other for weeks.

When I walk outside, the chilly air hits my face. We’re officially in the coldest month in Georgia, and I. Am. Freezing. Still, I don’t even make it to my car before tearing open the envelope with my name and address in his chicken-scratch handwriting. And I wonder where he was sitting when he wrote it.

Being cold melts away in my brain as I lean against my car. Snuggling my nose further into my jacket in the nearly empty parking lot, I look down at the writing. His words have become such a comfort to me. My hand instinctively slides to my stomach as I begin to read. I smile because he starts the letter just like he did the first one and all the others that followed.

Dear Haley baby,